Forgotten Children
He could not understand
Why he had not been allowed to go
With the rest of the third graders
On the annual third grade field trip.
But no note had been sent home,
No permission slip for Daddy to sign.
So he could not go.
He was heartbroken,
Hurting inside from the injustice.
I learned special needs children
In self contained classrooms
Were not even supposed to be aware of such trips.
It was normal
For them to be left behind.
Yet this is not fair.
Who has the right
To tell my son
He is not good enough for his peers?
During special occasions,
Parties and such,
He is sent to his "regular" classroom.
Why then should he be excluded
From joining in
During a field trip?
When a person is excluded
Because of race or religion
An outcry is raised.
People are outraged,
But when it is our children
With special needs,
No one notices at all.
I long for the day
When there are no more
Forgotten Children!

May 9, 2000