The Key
I wish I were a locksmith
With the skills to make a key.
A magical key I would make,
So I could unlock the mysteries
Locked away in my son's mind.
I would then travel the world
Finding all such children
And I would unlock their mysteries as well.
They would experience the world
As other children do.
There would be laughter,
And screams of delight
Echoing from the silent children.
Those children who are seen as lost
Would now be found.
Imagine how it would be
For the mother hugged by her child
For the very first time.
Or what a joy it would be
For the father who heard the name "Daddy"
Coming from his daughter's mouth.
Tears would flow,
Of this I am sure.
And families torn apart
Might once more come together.
If only I were a locksmith......
Autism would be no more!

April 11, 2000
Dedicated to all children fighting the battle against Autism,
Let us remember them at all times!