hello. welcome to the official father jack fanlisting! if you would like to know more about fanlistings and find out how to make your own, visit the thefanlistings.org, the rulers of the fanlistings. i ask that you please read the rules before you join the official father jack fanlisting! this website was made by twinkle. if you would like to contact me please click here

june 9th 2004...
the father jack fanlisting has now been approved by thefanlistings.org and i have also added two new members; ian from the uk and christy from the usa. thanks for joining! i also added a new affilate; how's that then ted? the official father ted fanlisting yay!

march 20th 2004...
i just found out there was a problem with the joining form email thing, so anyone that tried to join before (there was two of you) well i didn't get your applications so please could you send them again? thanx! everythings working now though!

march 19th 2004...
i have added 4 members, not including myself, i admit that they are all my friends ^_^ but they are big fans of father jack. aren't they nice to join my fanlisting?

march 19th 2004...
the site is finished and ready to go! yipeeee!

march 18th 2004...
i decide to make a father jack fanlisting. i start to design my layout for the site.

nuns! nuns! reverse! reverse!