Emo Sucks

They are really dumb. They whine too much. Like the other day when I was punching one of them, he kept on whining for me to stop cause it hurts. I don't get why, cause my friends do it to each other all the time. He might have just been a pussy, since he kept on saying he wasn't emo, but I think he was just lying so I'd stop punching him.

There's also the make-up. They look like they just found their mom's make-up drawer that morning and put random crap on. They might think it makes them look good, but to me it just reminds me of one thing:

Seriously, it's disturbing. I can't even look at it without wanting to puke or gouge my eyes out. The make-up is creepy. The last time I saw a guy wearing make-up, I thought it was a flat-chested girl. The tight women's clothes didn't help either. You may think it makes you look good, but seriously, it makes you look like a bad transvestite. These are the only men that can wear make-up:

They aren't even close to emo.

And then there's the music, which is even worse. It's just three minutes of screaming and whining about being depressed and bad guitar playing. It's so terrible. I can't stand it at all. It makes me want to shoot myself, it's so bad. Now I know why it has it's own section at the music stores.

Now what should we do about them? Of course, I already have a solution to this problem.

We send all of the emo kids to an island and forget about them. It's cheap, it's easy, and we won't have to listen to them whining as much. But we'll still have the music. So the music should all be burned and fed to rabid dogs. Simple enough, yes?

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