b4-4 Fan Experiences! ~Page 2~
Once again, if you have a b4-4 Fan Experience (if you met them or seen them in concert or both) we want to hear about it so email us at: fbigirls@hotmail.com  We will put it up on this part of our webpage! Also, send pictures too if you have any! Thanks!:)!
Dana (Noodles)
             When I heard b4-4 were in da PsykoBlast tour, I was so excited so I rushed my mom to get tickets.  I was going to take one of my    friends, but they were fighting to come so I didn't take them.  I was suppose to bring 50 films!!!!!!!  Anwaz when it was the day, I was so excited at school that all I talked about was b4-4.  I think my friends got annoyed.  Well after school I go to this club and I decided to stay longer.  Since it was boring I left and went home.  I made a sign on a blue poster board.  When I left da house, I decided not to bring the sign so all I took with me was my camera.  When I got to Plaza of Nations, there was lots of people.  I went to the crowd and I saw my friends so I hung out with them at da concert.  When people came out I was sooooooo excited! But then this tall dude was right in front of me just when b4-4 was about to come out!!!! So, I kinda moved myself closer.  When they came out, I was screaming!!! Dannnnnn was sooooooo hot!!! lol They were great and hottttttttt.  After when they finished performing, me and my friends went to the side and we saw b4-4 dancers.  They signed the back of my shirt and the picture is on Amanda aka Pickles' website,lol.  Well, I wasted all my film on b4-4 so I didn't get to take any pictures of da dancers or SD!!!!!
One of my b4-4 experiences took place @ York University.  I'm warning you...this is long!!! b4-4 were gonna be doin a show after all the tennis games.  I decided I wanted 2 go early so I could watch some tennis.  But everything got screwed up and I was there about 45 minutes before the guys were gonna come out.  I had NO CLUE where they were gonna be performing so I went and asked like 20000 ppl! lol....FINALLY  I got 2 the court.  There weren't 2 many girls so I thought everthing would be okie.  I was @ the back of the line...and I was like sh!t!! This sucks! So I went up 2 the front and immediatly made friends with the girls there *Mandy, Hannah, Ali, Natalia* Anywaz, @ around 6:00 they said they were gonna  let us all run 4ward...so whoever got to the front first, gets front row!  I was wearin sandals and I was freakin out becuz I am such a klutz and I was sooo sure I was gonna fall on my ass.  So, everyone's like take the sandals off and run! So that's exactly what I did.  I had my camera in one hand, and my sandals in the other....I was sooo ready! lol.  The guard kept on tellin us to move back....but as soon as he would turn around we would move closer and closer 2  the stage.....About 10 minutes b4 we ran, I saw someone's shadow from behind the stage *there was a black sheet behind the stage so u could hardly see behind it* I was jokin around and was like "Oh look, it's Ohad" As soon as I said that, he jumped up and was like "Yup it's me!"  I was like holy sh!it!! lol.  Then 2 more guys were walkin behind and I was sure it was Ry and Dan cuz of that damn hair! lol......So we all screamed "DAN'S GOT A SEXY ASS"  or crazy sh!t like that.....and they would pop their heads up!! It was sooo cute!  Anywaz...I was sick and tired of waiting, I wanted 2 go 2 the front!! lol....as soon as I saw *Jessica* from the other side run...I ran like hell!!! FRONT ROW CENTRE BABY!!! But my feet!! So many ppl were steppin on them.....and they wouldn't even let me put them back on!! Finally after pushing like crazy, I got them on. We were soooo gettin crushed, it was horrible! So these guards came and pushed everyone away from the stage....I was like hell no!  I'm stayin! Anwaz.... the show started.....In the back you could hear the guys talkin...u know, that "Ohad pissing thing" lol......So the dancers came out....Ron's sexy!! lol.....Then the guys...OH MY GOD!!! They are amazing dancers!! lol.  During Ball and Chain, Dan came up 2 me, got down on one knee, took his sunglasses off, amd held my hand and sang 2 me....*cries* It was soooo sweet!! Then during Everyday, Ohad came and did the same........It's so amazing when they sing 2 ya!! lol. Hmm....what else happend during the performance....I grabbed Ohad and Dan's Ass!! lol.......See Ohad was like bending down....and I turned 2 Natalia and was like "Dare me 2 grab it??!"  She's like yeah!!! So I did...and she put her hand over mine, so I couldn't move my hand!!! lol....So I was just standing there with my hand on his ass 4 like 5 minutes!! lol...He turned around and started piss laughin!!!  It was hilarious!! Hmmm....Ohad almost kicked me in the head.....Oh, and during "Aint No Sunshine" They did a cappela, so when they were quite.  We would scream things.  We made them laugh sooooo hard!!! Anywaz....performance went on...and on.....lol...and unfortunatly it was over.  The guys went back and the dancers stayed.  I was standin there tryin 2 fix my camera and Ron came up 2 me.  He was like Hey Baybe!!  We talked 4 a while, and then some guys came up and I don't think he was all there......he was very strange.  He was askin Ron if he could be in the next video.....he was tryin not 2 laugh...but he couldn't help it!! lol.  Anywaz.....I got pix...and we talked....Then it was just me, Mandy, hannah, and Ron....he said he had 2 go back 2 get changed.....So we were left there.  I was like "U know what......all the fans went home......and I am sure the guys didn't, let's sneak backstage!!"  So we slowly walked to the back...and we asked some guys if we could go back there, he was like no, I don't think so!! I was like, I don't care, i'm goin! lol. The three of us walked back there, I saw Natalia and Ali, so I walked up to them.  I wasn't looking @ anything or at anyone else, just them.  I was like r the guys back here?? That was a really stupid question cause why else would they be there! *There were only like 10 girls back there*  Ali was like, u sh!t head!! Over there!! So I turned around and there they were! lol...I have no clue what they were doin....but I wanted them with me!! So I was like Guys, come here! So Ohad comes runnin.  He gives me a HUGE hug and was like what's up??????? Some girl comes up and was like Ohad, can you leave a message on my machine??  So, he did.  And he turns to me and says Can I leave one on urs?? I was like okie!!  If you can find a phone......we both couldn't find one! lol.  Anywaz I turn around cause I hear someone go DANIELLE!!!!! And there was Dan!! He gave me a big hug!! Then Ry came and we all talked and stuff........Then, I think it was Ohad, he goes, Let's all pray!! So, everyone got in a group and I was standin there by myself......I was like fine! lol. So Ry turns around and grabs me and pulls me into the middle.......I looked @ his face.........and i'm tellin you now....... stubble looks soooooooo sexy!!!! Anywaz we *prayed* I went over to my friends and we all started talkin.  Dan was standing next to us pretending he wasn't listening! I was like, I want a kiss! lol.  So Ali was like ask 4 one! I didn't want to..... so... Talia  goes....I'll ask 4 one!  I thought she was gonna ask for herself but she goes "Dan...can you give Danielle a kiss?" I was like wtf?!? I'm like no, no, it's ok....and I started walkin away.....and he's like "What do u mean it's okie?  Come here"  I was like no Dan it's OKAY!! lol...and he grabs my face and kisses me.....*tickles*....I was like..... okie! Thanx....... and he goes "I knew you'd like that" and starts laughin and gives me a hug.  Anywaz...hugs, hugs, and hugs later........they have 2 go.   Ohad comes running up 2 me and he's like "I have 2 go" , and gives me that puppy look with his lip! I was like awwwww!!!  And he's like "Will I see u again?" OF COURSE!!!!! LOL!!! So, b4 he gave me a hug he kissed me...and I went in for the hug and he's like "wait" , and I was like fine! U don't have 2 hug me!!! LOL.  And he's like "NO! Where's my kiss?" And I was like Oh yeah! lol.  So,  I gave him a kiss, and he's like "MUCH BETTER" ! hehehe.....so.....then he gave me a hug and like lifted me up....*cuz I am kinda short*lol!  He said bye and started 2 walk away.   So, I was like where's Ry???? As soon as I turned around, he was in my face!!! I was like Whoa!!!! lol.......and he's like I'm goin!!! And I was like I know, I know!!!! Go!!! lol.......he grabbed my hand as he started to walked away.  I turned t2 where the guys were leavin and they blew me kisses and yelled bye..............So.........that was my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!           
Here's my story.  I got up at around 6am with my friend (who HATES b4-4) Lauren, and got ready to see b4-4 perform at West Ed at 7pm.  Lauren all of a sudden decided she REALLY didn't wanna come with me, so I hadda go alone.......I lost my ride right there so I called my bro's friend.....(he'd do anything for me cuz he has a crush on me haha...) SO! I got to West Ed about 7:30am.  There was one lil group of 14 year old gurls right in front of me, they were total teenies, so I avoided conversation.  I sat there, listening to b4-4 in my discman till about 11am....All alone, not talkin to anyone as the line began to increase....All of a sudden, some gurls were screaming and I looked up to see the little gurlies in front of me, letting about 25 other gurls in line! I was SOOO mad I stood up and started yelling at em......They would NOT leave the line, and continued with lines like "What are you gonna do?  It's a free country."  Immaturity pisses me off so I left it alone till about 5pm when the radio (power 92) people showed up.  The Dj started talking to the gurls in front of me, and all of a sudden they all started SCREAMING and jumping up and down!  Then I heard over the radio "These gurls have been here sincer 3am, T think they DESERVE this last set of VIP passes".  I was SEETHING with anger.......I stood up as they all filed into the VIP area.....And was yelling "THEY LIED!  THEY GOT HERE AT 11AM NOT AM!!  I WAS HERE LONGER!!!"  and one reallllly annoying gurl came up and waved her VIP pass in my face.... Well let me tell you, I tried so hard to get over that gate, waving my fists, screaming every swear word in the book at this gurl, 7 people were holding me back.... The DJ came over to ask what was wrong and I just let him have it.....BUT the mic was on and my whole speal about being there fisrt and how mad I was, was being broadcasted across West Edmonton Mall and the entire city.......But did I get my VIP pass?  Nope. 
       It turned out alright because Ohad was singing to me the whooole concert!!!:)  So, I guess nice guys finish last eh?   
Hey Hey!!!  ANOTHER one of my *encounters* was @ Much Music June 12, 2001.  LOTS of stuff happened, but cuz my last encounter was sooo long, im just gonna tell ya the cute parts.  As I was goin in there, I walked a lil' bit 2 far in! And I was like huh??  Where the hell do I go???  AND I turned around, and there were the guys......I was like my GOD!!! RYAN!!! lol, he was like ahhh!! Hey!!  lol, then some dumb guard came and pulled me away, but they were still wavin as I was gettin pushed!! lol.  Well, durin the performance, Dan liked punched me in the nose..........well, it wasn't exactly a *punch* it was more of a tap, but it scared me! lol  I was like OH MY GOD!! And I was like that boi is soooo rude he didn't say sorry!!!  BUT, I was wrong! Durin the commercial break he comes up to me and he's like AHHHHH!!  I punched you!! I was like yup!! He's like I'm soooooooooo soooooooooooooo soooooooooooo sorry!  And he gave me a hug.  I was like Dan it was only a tap!   He's like Ya, but still!!  lol.  I was like don't worry!!  It's all good!  Hmmm........anywaz, after the show the guys went.  Me and my MOM  *gotta luv mom* walked outside.  I was like awww!!! look, it's Ori and his parents!  So we walked up to them, and they were like HEY!! and Shelly gave me a hug.  She's like so.....you love my son eh? lol.  I was like of course!!  And she's like why do ou like him??  I didn't wanna say *cuz he's amazingly gorgeous and li li li lickable!* hehe, so I was like..........cuz he's sooo sweet!  She's like awww!!  That's good 2 hear!  I was like yup!  Anywaz........i noticed that Ori was like staring @ me....so I was like....Ori, gimme a hug!!! So he smiled and gave me one!  What a cutie!!! He's sooo shy!!! Anywaz.....that day was my day.........not in detail..........but that sums it up!! lol...Those bois are sooo fun 2 be around!!!  Don't ya think????  

Page 3 Coming Soon!!!!!