
Battle of Braddocks Farm

Tuton/Bouknight Project

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Mays Cemetery Headstones

S J E Church Building

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The Florida Confederation for the Preservation of Historic Sites, Inc

The FCPHS is an all volunteer, Not-For-Profit organization dedicated to marking and preserving Florida's Historic War Between The States Sites.

Many people have heard of Gettysburg, Atlanta, Nashville, and Chickamauga, but have you heard of Olustee, Braddock’s Farm, Enterprise, or New Smyrna? Many haven't because these Florida War Between The States battle fields have been largely ignored for one reason or another. In many cases it is out of simple ignorance. Because the battles in Florida involved fewer numbers of soldiers, some historians thought them less important, and thus didn't write about them as often as the larger battles. Do you think the soldiers involved thought them less important? We think not; after all, they sacrificed just as much as a soldier at Gettysburg. Northern or Southern they gave their all for their cause. When called upon they took up arms to fight for their Country or State. They let the politicians do the debating and they answered the call. We at the FLORIDA CONFEDERATION feel that they should be ignored no longer.

The FLORIDA CONFEDERATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF HISTORIC SITES, INC. (FLORIDA CONFEDERATION) was established as a not-for-profit organization to locate, mark, preserve, and protect the sites in Florida where American blood was so gallantly shed. Projects could be as simple as providing information on battle sites or other significant locations. Or our function could be so great as purchasing land, and building and staffing museums. Our projects will be limited only by funds and volunteer efforts.

You can reach us by snail mail at:

PO BOX 9877 DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32120-9877

Perpetual Membership Available-$200.00 This is a one time fee. Perpetual dues are placed in an interest bearing account where the principle is never touched, the interest is used to fund our projects. To join, please send your name, address, email address, phone number, and a check (made out to FCPHS) to PO BOX 9877 Daytona Beach, FL 32120-9877.

For email updates, please send me an email request (
FCPHS@YAHOO.COM ), giving me your email address. I usually send email updates every couple weeks or so, as news becomes available.

Your Webmaster is Bill Blair, Secretary and member of the Board Of Directors.

*This site is updated periodicly-check back for changes or additions*



The Florida Confederation for the Preservation of Historic Sites, Inc.