Sunday Service Times,
Monthly - 11am each week, and 6pm on 3rd Sunday, 8am HC on 4th Sunday
Getting to know St John the Baptist's church at Huntley.
It has been placed beside a yew tree believed to be about 1500 years old, and evidence that this has been a site of Christian worship possibly since the times of the Romans

Face - North Door This face is guarding a now disused door into the North Aisle of Huntley Anglican church, St John the Baptist. This church is on a site where Christians have been worshipping for most of the last 2000 years. The tower was built about 1100 and the new church built in 1863 now needs the roof repaired, so the community has launched an appeal for funds.

According to the list of Rectors displayed in Huntley parish church, the first Rector was appointed on 20 April 1303. So we are holding 'Huntley 700' with celebrations and fund raising for the Restoration Appeal to continue all year.

The new St Johns was designed by Architect Samuel Sanders Teulon (1812 - 1873) and decorated by Thomas Earp - by 1861 he employed 21 men and 8 apprentices in his yard, now based in Kennington Road, London.

In 1862 at the International Exhibition, Earp the sculpter displayed a great deal of work for many architects including Street, Bentley and Teulon. Teulon exhibited the reredos and other pieces carved for the rebuilding of St John the Baptist, Huntley. Teulon regarded Earp as his 'favourite sculptor' and between them they prepared elaborately carved capitals, spandrels, statuary, altar pieces, font and pulpit. These in their final setting make the interior of St John's a breathtaking display.

Church among trees Our first view of the church, which was rebuilt from an ancient church, and re-opened in 1863. South side of the church Moving around to the left and getting a better view of the Tower with it's new (150 year old) spire.
North face of the Tower East face The North and the East faces of the tower, which is the oldest part of the church, dating from approximately the 12th century. The spire was added by Teulon in 1863. The window tracery dates fron the 15th century.
Roger takes his turn Bell ringing for the Sunday service The window behind Roger now houses Victorian glass. The memorial plaques were moved from the chancel area when the church was rebuilt.

There are six bells, the oldest dating back to the 14th century. Bellringing is an ancient tradition, ably supported at St John's.

08 -

Help needed

The spire is to be inspected as the iron Victorian bolts are corroded and funds need to be raised for the repair - approx cost 60,000 pounds.

The Font has been placed in front of the Belltower. Facing the Tower, the New Door and entry Porch is on your left, and the Old Door is on your right.

The floor tiles are typical examples of 'Minton' tiles.

font The font has coloured pillars to support the eight-sided bowl, which is decorated with angels bearing a most appropriate text. Each of the eight sides has its own decoration, including one with a pelican.

The pillar capitals are all decorated with intricate designs of primroses, oak leaves, acorns, apples ferns and various flowers, all very familiar in the surrounding countryside

The pediment displays the emblems of the 4 Evangelists - the ox, the lion, the eagle and the human. This theme is repeated throughout the church.
West Window about St John the Baptist Three windows in the Nave are of a lineal illustration upon coloured glass, in a 'sepia' effect and made by Lavers and Barraud.
The one nearest the pulpit represents Faith, Hope and Charity.
The middle one has two Temple scenes from Christ's early life - his Presentation as a baby, and as a student questioning the Teachers.
The window near the Tower shows the visit of the 3 wise men, and Mary's visit before Elizabeth gave birth to St John the Baptist.

The North Aisle has a memorial window to the Rev'd Capper's children, and another dedicated to his parents. The large West Window is designed by Teulon illustrating St John the Baptist.

Help received

The Vestry and North Aisle were off-limits to the Public following the ceiling collapse in November 2000 and repairs have cost 17,000 pounds. The Transept roof and exterior stonework needs restoration to stop leaking water - 20,000 pounds.
Angel at the base of the LecternThis difficult image shows the very ornate style of the interior.

High on the south wall are corbels supporting the roof, each decorated with an angel playing a musical instrument and illustrating the words of Psalm 150 - Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord'

Angel at the base of the Lectern The church was designed to emphasise the value of preaching and listening to the written Word.
The Entry Porch opens into the Nave where seating is arranged with four blocks of 8 benches, for about 120 parishioners.
Angel at the base of the Lectern The Lectern is a carved alabaster and marble pillar, supported by two angels. The emblems of the Four Evangelists, then a brass eagle, support the Written Word. These photos concentrate on the Angels.
Pulpit featuring St John the Baptist The sculpured Pulpit features St John the Baptist carrying a lamb and looking towards the congregation. The sides are decorated with colourful mosaics, and flying angels bear the text from the Collect for St John the Baptist's Day, 24 June.
Organ Organ An English pipe organ
Howard ready for the service

A view of the pipes, which are carefully decorated. This organ was constructed by Gray and Davison, and is surrounded by a framework of oak.

Nativity Last Supper Resurrection
full view of reredos East End window The reredos (panel behind the Communion Table) is carved in marble and alabaster. The centre piece is the scene of the Last Supper, the side pieces are scenes from the Nativity and the Resurrection. The whole is embellished with wheat, roses of Sharon, and lillies of the valley, finished with coloured mosaics and pillars.
The East Window, above the Communion Table, was made by Lavers and Barraud featuring popular Biblical events.
Catherine window This elegant Catherine Wheel window from outside. It is high on the east wall in the Vestry. Table CoffinTable Coffin
View View View of church and school View of church and school
St Johns is an ancient church, which was rebuilt in the Victorian style, and re-opened in 1863, being inspired and financed by Revd Daniel Capper, the Incumbent. Brass plates, with latin texts bearing the Rev Capper's ancestry, are bolted to the altar steps

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