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Andrew Lee Hunn's
Literary Dander
Greetings, unfortunate one.  In your internet travels you've managed to stumble onto the lonely, dusty, seldom visited web pages of one Andrew Lee Hunn, a self-obsessed and starving writer who favors low-rent districts both in real life and on the web.  Here you will find conveniently collected the various detrital writings of a man who truly has no regard for the opinions of others, at least insofar as those opinions might apply to himself or his writing.  Thus, if you should happen to read something here that offends you or does not meet with your approval, do not expect an apology or even a chance to argue a point with the author, for he would much rather spend his time quietly grumbling to himself in his favorite sleazy dive hangout, griping loudly at one protest rally or another, or staring aimlessly at a blank screen supposed to be his next novel.  (That said, if you simply would like to say hello, express faint praise, or give a back-handed compliment to Mr. Hunn, his e-mail address is available at the top right-hand corner of this page.) 

What follows on these pages is a kind of collective "Andy for Dummies" guide which the author felt was necessary after his conversational grunts and snorts left his friends somewhat in the dark as to his meaning on such important conversational matters as politics, religion, favorite movies, just what the heck it is he actually writes about, and why on Earth would he want to write such nonsense.  Simply click on any of the links at the top of each page to be taken to countless shining examples of sloppy journaling, half-hearted academic writing, or fiction of the inexplicably botched variety.  Perhaps afterward you will find in your heart some sympathy for the poor fellow; after all, he really can't help himself. 

All contents, except where otherwise noted, are copyright Andrew Lee Hunn.