Title: 'THAT' LOOK
Author: Romana (romana03@yahoo.com)
Series: TOS
Code: Uhura/T'Pring

Note: Part of the Femme Fuh-Q Fest - http://www.oocities.org/femme_fuhq_fest/

Disclaimer: Paramount owns STAR TREK and I don't. I have not made and will not make any profit, I'm just playing. Honest. The song is "You've Got That Look", which according to my minimal sleeve notes is something to do with (Hollander - Loesser) and 1939. It's sung by Marlene Dietrich. This also in no way belongs to me. I just wrecked it.

Warning: No sex, violence, drugs or rock and roll. Please don't fall asleep.

Archiving: Yup, wherever.


Uhura has become a little obsessed with a picture of T'Pring she found in the Enterprise mission logs:

You've got that look, that look that leaves me weak,
You, with your eyebrow raising Vulcan technique.
You've got that look, that look between the lines,
That look that reveals no emotional signs.
I should be brave and say: "Lets look no more on it",
But, oh, what's the use when I know I love it?
You'll only kill my will and then I'll crack.
So turn on that mission log, and then hit the sack.

All I do is gaze at you.
And sit there in a daze at you,
Illogical as can be.
Yet here's what it does to me....

You've got that look, that look that leaves me weak,
You, with your eyebrow raising Vulcan technique.
You've got that look, that look between the lines,
That look that reveals no emotional signs.
I should be brave and say: "Lets look no more on it",
But, oh, what's the use when I know I love it?
You'll only kill my will and then I'll crack.
So turn on that mission log, and then hit the sack.