Title: I Want Seven (filk)

Author: longbeachtrekstar ( longbeachtrekstar@yahoo.com )

Series: VOY

Code: 7 [duh!]

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek. I think the song was first done by the Strangeloves, but I only know it from Bow Wow Wow. I'm writing this for fun, not making any profit, and not trading songs over the internet.

Archiving: FFF, ASCEM, others please ask.

Feedback: Yes please, here or by email.

Note: Based on Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy" (1982).

Written for Round XII of the Femme Fuh-q Fest -- http://www.oocities.org/femme_fuhq_fest/

I Want Seven (filk)

by longbeachtrekstar, August 2003

I know a gal who's tough but sweet

She's a Borg, a Borg in heat

Deep blue eyes and long blonde hair

But it's her tits that draw my stare

I want Seven, I want Seven

1 and 6, or 3 and 4

Lucky Seven I adore

Tertiary... Unimatrix...

She's my favorite dominatrix

I want Seven, I want Seven

She ties me up, she ties me down

Ain't no kinkier girl in town

One night with her, you'll never forget it

Her best parts are cybernetic

I want Seven, I want Seven

Seven in bed, there's nothing better

Her pussy's getting wetter and wetter

I hug her and our legs entwine

I want Seven all the time

I want Seven, I want Seven
I want Seven, I want Seven
