The Cow Is Behind You
Paul Vickers is pretty good huh? yeah i love him too anyway this is the poetry that we were supposed to put out in The Cow is behind you special supplement but we didn't because umm i dunno but yeah none of us are as good as Paul Vickers y'know but what can you do?
Ode To A Cow
Oh you beautiful cow
you are not a sow
for that is apig
and this you don't dig
you are not a goat
and you don't own a boat
but yes, you do moo
and you look nothing like poo
you are so heavy
there is no such word as nevy
you may not play the flute
but you are ever so cute
all this is true
so i will never eat you
       By Scott
What Drugs Are You ON?
I know you shot and killed
My Cat. I know where you keep
your shotgun.
Look we know about you man.
I'll be right behind you.
         By Laura
A Chair is hard
so it don't brake
and that is how
i like my rake
        By El Kunto
Untitled #1
Where do days go when they are over?
is it to some place with mystical frogs and whimsical snails?
or to a cesspool of vomit?
oh how does one find out?
      By Scott
Bad Cow Poem #1
My cow says pow
i don't know how
it should say moo
or maybe meow
it does a dance
without it's pants
and brings great embarrassment to it's family
                   By El Kunto
A Fabulous Poem
Oh my belly
don't turn on the telly
for who might the person be
when you turn on the TV
could be humpty or big bird
or some annoying big red haired girl
let us run away
far, far away
let us frolick in trees
and eat no peas
just magic dirt and groovy leaves
no, no don't sya those words
those harsh cruel words
for it is criminal
to mention Mr Minshall
      By Scott
Stone Roses Limerick
Oh evil man at HMV
you talk like a surfie
if you don't give me my Stone Roses
i'll use one of these hoses
and shove it up your bottie
             By Old Skool Fergus
Untitled #2
Oh it is so hot
and indeed i have forgot
to go and milk the cow
oh wellow
as i remember the days gone by
and i try to lick the fly
in my head there is a thought
oh no flase alarm
           By Scott
Ye Rabbi of mighty faith and enlightenment
Oh Rabbi
don't have a spazzi
I love thee
and i need to pee
look up there is it a cow?
is it a pee?
No, it's the ever beautiful Rabbi
      By Scott
thou art so grand
as pink as a bowl of thee custard
that is set out free to roam
catch my custard
as it loves me no more
and swallow it down
in the depths of hell alone
my beloved
    By Laura
Thom Thom (written to Thom Yorke)
Thom Thom
you beautiful pom
you're so sexy
and so flexy
you're a spunk
i have never heard you say kerplunk
you're hair's so spiky
and you don't look dykey
Thom Thom
you beautiful pom
      By Scott, on Fergus' behalf
Stone Roses Poem
oh Ian Brown
you great big clown
oh how i wanna shoot you down
ah Ian Brown
I hope you drown
  By Fergus
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