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The 5th Annual Gathering of Gargoyles! WOOHOO! I went to G2K and it rocked! So there's no doubt in my mind that this one will equally rule. More guests, more games, more contests--it's in L.A. peeps! You GTG! ['cause i'm not =( ]
JEB'S Gargoyle Page
--- A great Gargoyle page if I ever saw one. Well-known throughout the fandom in one way or another, every fan should click by JEB's. =)

Rina's Realm
Good guest art, fanfic and original fic make up this site by Rina-goyle. Gargoyles are prominent, but X-men are also out and about here. =)

A very kewlies site with great art. Go and visit "a website of great adventure and excitement."
--- The first ever fan-made Gargoyles comic! I don't have to say much more than that, and the fact that the person in charge is one heck of a nice guy. =) The words, "Great art and killer story line!" come to mind. =D
The Counter Post Courtesy of my friend andycase, a site for the game Magic: The Gathering.
Nethersphere Nethersphere: Home of Rapter Woman and her kick-tail art! =D
Avalon Mists Christine Morgan's Avalon Mists, a place where newbie and seasoned Gargoyles Fans post their original drawn and/or written work. Believe you me, it has something for every type of Gargs fan out there.
Aimee's Studio Aimee Major... if you don't know who she is then you've been missing out on a lot of cool art. Go see!
Gargoyles ICQ List This is a list hosted by Tony Teakles (a.k.a Marlos Rawlings) for those of us with ICQ and no one to talk to... hey, that rhymed! hehehe... *clears throat* well anyways, if you don't know what that is then drop by and be enlightened. ;p
Dream Wolf's Den This is the fabo homepage of one of the members of the clan I belong to, Clan Moray. It's a must see.
Phases of the Moon A link to the site of the very talented artist who is doing a commission of my RP & fanfic character Maya, Destiny.
Station Eight
A very well renowned site that all Gargoyles Fans have probably come across at least once, Station Eight, home to 'Ask Greg' and one of the best 'Gargoyles Trivia' out there.
The Gargoyles Fan Website
This is, by far, the best Gargoyles Fanfiction Archive. For the fans by the fans.
P.U.C.K. Logo This is just one of the many places where fellow Puckateers and Owenites congregate. "Existing to Confuse and Amuse!" or so preaches Reverend Tas Vince Burrfoot, Presiding. (09.21.00 -- Due to recent developments the Puckateers are under the new management of Ty'igra Solartiger. As Tas said, "May Puck Give All Luck So That You May Not Suck." ;p)
I Attended the Gathering in Spirit Some of us were not able to go to The Gathering the first time around so here is a list of people who are still dreaming about what it was like, me included.
The Gargoyles Fan Registry

Do you find yourself watching any Gargoyles episode that just may happen to be on? Or perking up once someone just happens to mention a few well-known places in Manhattan? Well then my friend you are most definitely suffering from Gargoyle Manic Sydrome... no, I bet you are enjoying every minute of it. So am I, and I am also a registered Gargoyles Fan. You should do the same. We celebrate this rare condition as much as possible. You should do the same... not to brainwash you or anything. ;p
The Avalon Archives One of the best sites out there, hands down, is The Avalon Archives. 'Nuff said.
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AIM: kawaii misfit
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Copyright © 1999-2001 by Gargress.
[ Last updated 16:07 EST Oct. 30 ]