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Frequent Flyer Warhawk
Frequent Flyer Specifications
Frame - Wedge Type
Rear End - R170 Rockwell Banter Cross
Engine - Allison V-12 1710
Fuel System - PD 12 K 8 Carburetion
Ignition - MSD 8 Dual Coil
Clutch - 4 disc Hayes
Transmission - SCS Reverser
Tires - 8ply 151 Firestones by J and L
Warhawk Specifications
Frame - Wedge Type
Rear End - R100 Rockwell Banter Cross
Engine - Allison V-12 1710
Fuel System - PD 12 K 8 Carburetion
Ignition - MSD 8 Dual Coil
Clutch - 4 disc Hayes
Transmission - 905 Fuller
Tires - 10ply 151 Firestones by Parks

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