On May 7, 1995 a group of concerned Forbes' Hillian women wet at the home of Mrs. Prescola Musgrove in Marathon Estate located on the island of New Providence in the Bahamas. These women felt the need for all Forbes' Hillers to come together as one big family. Thus, the first home-coming event gave birth.

The group consisted of  mrs. Enamae dean, Ms. Eloise Rolle, Ms. Rozelda Humes, Ms. Andrea Ferguson, Ms Madlyn Finley and Mrs. Prescola Musgrove.

Initially, when the group met no one wanted  the responsibility of chairing the committee. However, at the meeting Mrs. Madlyn Finley was chosen as chairman, Andrea Ferguson as secretary, Eloise Rolle, Rozelda Humes and Enamae Dean were chosen as persons to execute all financial transactions, such as receiving and expending of funds. mrs. Prescola Musgrove chaired that meeting and acted as director, fostering the plans for the home coming events. She also acted as the public relations person

Basil Sears, although was not present at the meeting played a pivotal role in the preparation for the trip to Exuma. His services was instrumental in providing banners and preparing shacks and whatever else was needed to be done.