This is a web page dedicated to probably the worlds best ever rock band....NIRVANA!!!!.. As one of the band's many fans, I decided to share what knowledge I have of the group with everyone else out there. This is my first ever web page so bear with me if it's not so good!! But anyway, read on and enjoy!!!!

And by the way, thank you everyone who has emailed me so far in regards to this page with either their constructive criticism or their compliments.....Keep emailing me you guys.Also if anyone has any info they would like to send me which they think should be included on this page please send it to me!!! Thank you!12/06/2001

And just to point out.....the song interpretations part of this page is purely here for those who are interested....I'm not telling those who have their own personal interpretations of Nirvana's music that they are wrong...nor am I telling everyone that the interpretations here are right........Sorry if you thought I was claiming to have been inspired by some divine intervention or something, for I honestly know as much, or as little as everybody else in regards to what was going through Kurt Cobain's head when he wrote his music. ..

Thanks for visiting my page!

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to copy of suicide note
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