Harry Potter Doujinshi

Last Updated: November 22, 2003

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My Home, Sweet Home

Circle: Pessimist Sabbath
Artist: Seri Shinozuka
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 44
Published: August 9, 2002

Sirius/Lupin (PG - very subtle shounen ai)

This was my first Pessimist Sabbath book, and it's still my favorite. It's just bloody beautiful and I love it. ^^ It opens with the haunting image of Sirius finding James and Lily dead and laughing, then a black page with only the words "It was I who killed James." This sets the scene for the rest of the book, which spans two different periods of Sirius's life, revolving around the guilt he feels over James's death and how Lupin tries to help him past it. It's a familiar story, but Pessimist Sabbath has carried it off beautifully. If you're a Sirius/Lupin person, just go for it. Really. You'll melt into a pathetic puddle of shippiness, guaranteed.

Pessimist Sabbath's third HP fanbook
Promise Land

Circle: Pessimist Sabbath
Artist: Seri Shinozuka
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 48
Published: August 23, 2002

Pessimist Sabbath's fifth HP fanbook
Shi ni Itaru Yamai

Circle: Pessimist Sabbath
Artist: Seri Shinozuka
Published: May 4, 2003
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 52

Snape/Lupin (PG - very subtle shounen ai)

In their school days, Lupin is just beginning to forge something like a friendship with Snape, and in one instance, Snape bandages his mysterious wounds when Madame Pomfrey isn't available. But what will happen when Snape finds out how Lupin keeps getting those wounds? And how does Snape feel about it all fifteen years later? (Hint: angsty.) Pessimist Sabbath is consistent in putting out doujinshi with substantial stories and wonderful art, although this one is a little darker than their previous two. You can't very well have a realistic Snape story without making it dark. ^^

Pessimist Sabbath's sixth HP fanbook

Circle: Pessimist Sabbath
Artist: Seri Shinozuka
Published: May 4, 2003
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 28

James/Sirius (NC17 - hard yaoi)

Well now! Coming straight off of the innocence that was Pessimist Sabbath's earlier books, you aren't likely to expect something like this. Body parts are somewhat invisiblised, but still, not much is left to the imagination.

Pessimist Sabbath's seventh HP fanbook
Love Fighter

Artists: Seri Shinozuka & Hiromi Wakana
Published: March 16, 2003
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 42

James/Lily (NC17 - hentai)

This book came as quite a surprise to me; I bought it because it was the first and only time I'd come across a James/Lily hentai doujinshi, and totally missed the fact that one of the artists was Seri Shinozuka of Pessimist Sabbath. I was pretty thrilled when I figured it out, though! This book is a collaboration between Shinozuka-san and another artist, Hiromi Wakana; I hadn't seen her art before, but it's excellent. The whole book is a bit shocking, but then again, it's my first hentai. ^^ In any event, the art is brilliant, and I like that they were original with the pairing.

Shining Moon

Circle: Photosynthesis Station
Artists: Aleosha, Kogefish & Tangel
Language: Chinese
Size: A4
Pages: 50

Since it's in Chinese, I've even less hope of translating it than usual, but still, this is a beautifully drawn doujinshi that seems to cover a lot of ground throughout the story. It does look like it'd be shounen ai, but it really just seems to be friendship between Sirius and Lupin, with appearances from lots of other characters.
VV Funcy Pink

Circle: RIF
Language: Japanese
Published: January 6, 2002
Size: B5
Pages: 34

As advertised on the cover, it's Sirius/Remus shounen ai; nothing hard, though Lupin does get molested a bit while cooking breakfast. ^^ Great art! Harry and Ron make an appearance, too. RIF's first HP book.

Circle: RIF
Language: Japanese
Published: April 29, 2002
Size: B5
Pages: 22

Lupin/Harry, Sirius/Lupin

RIF's second HP book.
Queen of My Heart

Circle: Royal Mile
Artists: Tougo Yamada
Language: Japanese
Size: A4
Pages: 50

Royal Mile's first HP book.
Biritto Baritto Byuu

Circle: Sakanaya & Feroberon
Published: March 31, 2002
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 26

Synodic Month

Circle: Shisinden
Artists: Sakura Rinko
Language: Japanese
Published: December 29, 2001
Size: B5
Pages: 142

Shisinden's very first HP book.
The Moon Is Made of Green Cheese #1

Circle: Shisinden
Artists: Sakura Rinko
Language: Japanese
Published: December 29, 2001
Size: B5
Pages: 48

Shisinden's second HP book.
Lagrangian Points

Circle: Shisinden
Artists: Sakura Rinko
Language: Japanese
Published: June 16, 2002
Size: B5
Pages: 86

Shisinden's third HP book.
The Moon Is Made of Green Cheese #2

Circle: Shisinden
Artists: Sakura Rinko
Language: Japanese
Size: B5

Shisinden's fourth HP book.
Flame of Wing

Circle: Shisinden
Artists: Sakura Rinko
Language: Japanese
Published: August 23, 2002
Size: B5
Pages: 38

Shisinden's fifth HP book.

Circle: Spetsnas
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 18

Pretty much a straight-up gag doujinshi,
but the art is fairly detailed and nice-
looking. And maybe I've been playing too much
Hitman, but I like the circle's name. ^^
Take a Fly

Circle: Stripe Zone
Language: Japanese
Size: B5
Pages: 20
Published: April 28, 2002

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