Issue 38> 12 Aug 2002
  This site is updated weekly Mon, 19 August, 2002 9:33 PM

The Names of God - YHVH Yireh

Last week we looked at that beautiful name which the LORD loves the most - YHVH and which some translation spells as Jehovah. YHVH speaks of a covenant-keeping God and Jesus came to fulfill all the requirements of the Old Covenant and to establish the New Covenant.
In the Old Testament, various compound names of YHVH were used to bring out the best in the character of the LORD. With each name, we get a better understanding of the extent of His judicious, merciful and yet righteous character. Just as a piece of cut diamond has many faces and there is beauty in every single face, every aspect of the LORD's character can be understood by appreciating each subset.

In the Book of Genesis, we read of the Lord calling Abram out of the Land of the Chaldeans in UR, out of his family setting and promised him great blessings in the land that He would settle him and his wife Sarai. Instead of completely obeying the Lord, Abram packed his things and brought his father Terah and his nephew Lot with his family members and settled in Haran in what is today known as Northern Iraq (better known as Baghdad). The Lord wanted Abram to trust Him and follow His instructions - leave his family behind and head straight for Canaan; however, Abram obeyed only halfway. His entourage included his father and his nephew and his destination was not Canaan but Haran and he stayed in Haran until his father Terah died. (Genesis 11: 27 - 32

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2 "I will make you a great
I will bless you
And make your name
And you shall be a
Genesis 12:2 NKJV

1 "Cast thy bread upon
the waters: for thou
shalt find it after many
Ecclesiastes 11:1 KJV

Hard Sayings of the Bible ( IVP Press)

Genesis 9:6: Capital Punishment Mandated by God?

Can Genesis 9:6 properly be used to answer modern questions about capital punishment? The debate is one of no small proportions, and the consequences both for the condemned murderer and for society are great indeed.

Genesis 9:5-6 is the simplest statement mandating society to punish their fellow beings for murder. However, its very simplicity and lack of any development allow opponents of capital punishment to question the passage's relevance. Missing, they claim, are all references to civil government, due process, exceptions and distinctions between various degrees of murder.

Genesis 9:5-6 is part of the covenant God established with Noah following the flood. Involved in this covenant were the animals' fear of people, permission to eat meat that did not contain the lifeblood and the delegation of the death penalty for murder into the hands of men and women. But more than this was involved, and this tends to demonstrate the enduring nature of the provisions of this covenant. Seasons were instituted as part of the enduring natural order (Gen 8:22), the rainbow would serve as a continuing pledge that the earth would not be flooded again (Gen 9:13) and the image of God provided the rationale for exacting the extreme penalty (Gen 9:6). The covenant established with Noah is therefore one that involves his representing "every living creature" (Gen 6:18-19; 9:10-11, 12, 15-17).....

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A Little More on the Land of Israel (coming soon!)

All references taken from RBC, Pat Robertson, Ron Rhodes, Kenneth/Gloria Copeland, Charles Slagle, Smith Wigglesworth, Selwyn Hughes, Charles Spurgeon, Manners and Customs of Bible Times, The Complete Bible Handbook, The Spirit Filled Bible(NKJV), The NIV Bible, God's Promises for your every Need, Idiot's Guide to Bible Mysteries, Hard Sayings of The Bible, Articles courtesy of Mr Andrew L W Lee.