bible inquirer / home Updated : Tue, 1-apr-03
The Gauntlet Had Been Thrown Down
Gulf War 2 had started on Thursday morning 20 March Singapore time, barely two hours after the expiry of the ultimatum from President George W Bush for President Saddam Hussein and his sons to leave Iraq within 48 hours or face war. The first stealth bomber flew over Baghdad and unleashed some of the most dangerous bombs - the bunker duster bomb that could penetrate at least three floors below ground.

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Why Doesn't the New Testament Always Quote the Old Testament Accurately?

IN MANY PLACES THE NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATIONS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT do not match up with what we have in our English Old Testaments. There are a number of reasons why this is so.
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"I am the door. If anyone enters
by Me, he will be saved, and will
go in and out and find pasture."

Matthew 10 : 9 NKJV
"You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord according to your Word."
Psalms 119:65 NKJV
Christian Answers
A great archive full of questions and answers, some material you might find quite surprising!

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Many of the references on this site are taken from sources like
the NKJV, NIV bibles and from selected sources on the
internet which you will be able to find on my links page.
Articles / Messages are authored by Mr Andrew Lee.
About This Site
This site is a collection of messages written and compiled by
Mr Andrew Lee of New Creation Church Singapore. It is our
prayer and desire that you benefit from the materials
provided on this site and that you will open up your hearts
and minds to His love for you.
Email any comments or suggestions to me at :

The Lord bless and keep you always.