About Me
~ Lynne C. ~
As the Home Page says, I pretty much started this page because I needed to post a story in a particular format, and didn't know how to instruct the nice folks at The Sandlot to do it with html tags.  Geocities is nice and visual, drag and drop, PowerPoint-esque about the whole thing, so I decided to just put the thing up myself.

As for putting my work out into the universe, or at least the World-Wide Web...on the one hand, it does rather smack of shameless self-promotion.  But, it's also an opportunity to seek out some genuine feedback on my writing.

I must first say that I never expected to find myself a writer of FanFiction ~ seemed like too "Trekkie" an undertaking, right up there with wearing Spock ears and learning to speak Klingon.  You know, things that the Geek Troika would be caught dead doing, but not me!  But, that was before my appreciation for the Buffyverse turned into a full-scale addiction, and then I was forced into withdrawal by the summer break, and then the re-run hell of November-January!  I succumbed to the lure of adding to the story on my own.

Now, I've always had a bit of pretension that I might one day like to be a published author.  I even jot ideas down in a notebook every so often, against the day when I have "time" to turn them into something.  I know, every other man, woman and child in the country has a manuscript (or part of one) lying in a desk drawer somewhere.  But...there it is.  I've been told I can string words together in a pretty reliable fashion.

So, I decided to treat fanfic writing as practice for this mythical future career as an author!

You'll notice, if you read all my work (at the time of this writing, there's only 5 in existence), that I'm something of a slave to the canon.  I think Joss Whedon is a genius, and any ideas that I've had about his characters have been inspired by the layers that he has written into them, which are, in turn, based upon the plot that he has inflicted upon them.  I don't like to separate all of those elements.  So, I prefer to write things that fit within the framework already established.  Sure, the end of "
To Be or Not To Be" doesn't abide by that principle.  I may yet go back and tweak it so that it does.  (And now, I have!  Check it out!)  So, that's part of where I'm coming from when I write Buffy-specific fanfic.

I have begun to outline an original story that takes place within the Buffyverse.  It may be a while before it starts to happen in earnest.  I have a mess of research I need to do to nail down some points of character and setting before I can really dive in and make anything public.  We'll see what happens.

And, one of these days, I may actually get off my duff and start working with some of my own ideas.  Time will tell!

Thanks for indulging this little essay.  If you want to e-mail me, you can do so

Misc. stuff about me:
     I'm a college graduate, in International Studies, and a MAJOR history buff
     I'm just past 30, and have a husband and a pair of cats
     I have an eclectic taste in most things, including music
     Other, non-ME, "must see" TV:  Everwood, Gilmore Girls, West Wing, Enterprise, Friends, ER, Joan of Arcadia.  I'm 
          also terribly fond of PBS (NOVA and BBC "
reality" TV particularly!)
     Favorite current movies:  Pirates of the Caribbean, Master & Commander, LoTR
     Favorite movies, generally:  Last of the Mohicans, Shakespeare in Love, The Hunt For Red October, Emma (Gwyneth
     I enjoy dancing, theater, reading, photography, sewing/crafts.  And writing.  Always with the writing!

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