Blevins Family Group Sheet

                            Generation: 1 / 2

Husband: Richard Blevins
born:                           place: 
marr:                           place: 
died: before 1836 ?             place: 
buried:                         place: 
Wife: Mary Maddox
born:                           place: 
died: c.1856                    place: Hardin Co., TN
buried:                         place: Hardin Co., TN
She moved to Hardin Co., TN in 1836 with her son, Abner.
#1 Abner Wilson Blevins
born: March 23, 1816            place: Anderson Co., TN
marr: May 23, 1837              place: Hardin Co., TN
died: Oct. 16, 1898             place: Hardin Co., TN
buried:                         place: 
spouse: Margaret A. Maddox (1816 - 1888)
#2  Richard William Blevins
born: Oct. 8, 1828              place: Anderson Co., TN ?
marr:                           place: 
died:                           place: 
buried:                         place: 
Note:  He's listed with his brother Abner's household in 1850 Census for
Hardin Co., TN.  It's said that he and his brother Abner took different
sides during the war and as a result they would not speak to one another