Bitmap Image
Format: /mode #room +|-mode(s) nickname|user@host
Sets various options for the room. You must be an operator in the room to issue these commands, some commands are reserved for Server Operators:

Format: /mode #room +|-A
A - Auditorium
Auditorium is designed to handle big events without flooding everyone with unimportant information based on the size of the room, it works with +m and often with +M. It will hide the names of most of the people who cannot speak; it will show up to 20 of them. Anyone who can speak will be visible in the names list, and then a maximum of 20 users who cannot will be shown. It will only show users who cannot speak if there are fewer than 20 people who can speak, and then it will show users who cannot speak until there are 20 visible people. When the room is set -A the users will start to appear as they speak unless there is a small number of users, in which case they will massjoin.
Privilege: Server Operator.
/mode #webchat +A

Format: /mode #room +|-b nickname!user@host
b - Ban
Will ban the specified user from joining the room. When used by itself with no hostmask it will list the bans that are in a room. Valid hostmasks include nickname!user@host. When a user is banned his ability to speak in the channel is removed. You can use this in events to limit a persons ability to cause problems.
Privilege: Channel Operator status is required to add a ban. User status is required to list bans.
List Bans: /mode #webchat +b
Ban Mike: /mode #webchat +b Mike!*@*
Ban Host: /mode #webchat +b *!*@*

Format: /mode #room +|-c
c - Prohibit Colors
This mode will prevent colors from being sent to the room. Messages that contain color codes will still go through, but the colors will be removed.
Privilege: Channel Operator.
/mode #webchat +c

Format: /mode #room +|-d
d - Nick Change Restriction
This room mode will only allow 1 nickname change per user, from Guestxxxx to a nickname. It does not affect network operators. This will keep a room from getting cluttered with nick changes. It is particularly useful in larger rooms. You will probably want to set rooms +d if you are having a moderated event.
Privilege: Channel Operator.
/mode #webchat +d

Format: /mode #room +|-e
e - Prevent CTCPs
This will prevent CTCPs to the room but will not prevent actions or CTCPs between individual users of the room.
Privilege: Channel Operator.
/mode #webchat +e

Format: /mode #room +|-i
i - Invite Only
Users must be specifically invited to join using the /invite command or may invite themselves with chanserv if they have access to that command, see the chanserv section.
Privilege: Channel Operator.
/mode #webchat +i

Format: /mode #room +|-j
j - Java Clients Only
This command allows you to have only java clients and sellected legacy IRC clients enter the specified channel. For this mode to take effect you must set a key. For IRC clients to enter the channel they must supply the key, or be invited into the channel.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +j

Format: /mode #room +|-k keyword
k - Keyed
Sets the channel so only users who specify the room's key (password) as the second parameter of the join command can enter the room. If the key to the room #CoolChat were bagel then to join one would use the command /JOIN #CoolChat bagel. Unlike passwords, keys are not case sensitive.
Privilege: Channel Operator
See also: CMODE j
/mode #webchat +k mykey123

Format: /mode #room +|-l limit
l - Limit
Limits the number of users that can be in the room simultaneously. The limit can be set to something lower than the current user count, it only prevents new users from entering when the room is full or overfull.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +l 50

Format: /mode #room +|-L
L - Language filtering:
When language filtering is enabled on the server one option is to give each channel the choice to enable this or not. Will prevent words on the filter list from reaching the room either by the filter or censor rule as set by the administrative policy of the server.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +L

Format: /mode #room +|-m
m - Moderated
Causes a room to be moderated so only the operators and those users who are +v (voiced) can talk. UOPs cannot talk in moderated rooms unless they are temporarily voiced or opped. Moderation is a good way to carefully control a room. If anyone starts causing problems you only need to remove their +v (ops should not be causing problems because they should be trusted, but if they do, then removing their status will fix things, although you might need to remove their entry from whichever op list they are on). The downside to constant moderation is that their must be an op present at all time to voice new people or else they can't talk, and the room may become temporarily unuseable. It also is tedious to voice every new user so that they can speak. Although this can be accomplished by a bot. Moderation is usually reserved for rooms that only wish to allow certain people to speak (events, lectures, etc.) or that wish to give different people the floor for a time (debates, storytelling, etc.).
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +m

Format: /mode #room +|-m #room
M - Event Moderation (Send To):
This mode is used in a forward moderated chat. If the room is set to +m all the messages sent to the room that cannot be viewed by other users will be sent to a +N room that is specfied when the mode is set. +M and +N work together. The channel must be +m (moderated) for the messages to go to the receiving channel. For more information see CMODE N
Privilege: Server Operator
/mode #event +M #questions

Format: /mode #room +|-n
n - No external messages
Only people in the room can speak to the room. Without +n any user can send a msg to the room and it will be seen in the room.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +n

Format: /mode #room +|-n #room
N - Event Moderation (Recieve From):
This command is set to a room that is receiving moderated messages from a +mM channel, it is a good way of scanning questions when you have a special event. To use both +M and +N modes you must be an network operator and you must be a room op in both rooms. The channel must be +m (moderated) for the messages to go to the receiving channel. See also CMODE M
Privilege: Server Operator
/mode #questions +N #event

Format: /mode #room +|-o nickname
o - Channel Operator
Gives the user whose nickname immediately follows the +o operator status in the room. Channel Operators are able to set the configuration of a room with the exception of a very small quantity of Server Operator modes.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +o Mark
/mode #webchat +ooo Mark Jennifer Estrella
Format: /mode #room +|-O #room
O - Channel Overflow:
If you set a user limit in the room and have mode +O on, it will redirect the users in the second room. To use this mode you must set the channel +l (limit), when the limit is reached the next user to join will be sent to the Overflow channel. See also CMODE l
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +O #lobby

Format: /mode #room +|-p
p - Private
Hides the room from the list, this is a good setting for rooms that do not wish to have random people wandering in. It does not prevent anyone from joining, but it keeps the room from being easily noticed. It is the same as channel mode +s - secret.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +p

Automatically Set When The Room Is Registered
r - Registered
This indicates that a room is registered. (informational only) (users cannot set this mode)
Privilege: Services Agent

Format: /mode #room +|-R
R - Registered NickNames     Only
Only Registered Nickname Can Join
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +R

Format: /mode #room +|-s
p - Secret
Hides the room from the list, this is a good setting for rooms that do not wish to have random people wandering in. It does not prevent anyone from joining, but it keeps the room from being easily noticed. It is the same as channel mode +p Private.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +s

Format: /mode #room +|-t
t - Topic
Sets the room so that only room operators can change the topic. Most rooms will want to be +t so that only trusted people will be setting the topic. A topic represents the room; it is one of the first things people will see about a room when deciding whether to join or stay.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +t

Format: /mode #room +|-u nickname
u - Registered Channel User
Sets a user to +u. He/she will be identified with a - in front of the nickname. While adding someone to the UOP list gives them certain abilities, moding them +u does not. However, it can be used as an indicator. What it would indicate would be up to each room to decide, a help room might use it to show a guest helper, a chat room might use it to show that the person was friends with one of the regulars, but not themselves around and trusted enough to have earned voice or ops. Or perhaps everyone is moded +u on joining and then they lose that status if they misbehave. Then you could tell if someone just made one mistake or is being a repeat troublemaker whom you might then wish to ban. It should be used however best suits the needs of the room. It's also a convenient when using MemoServ as a mailing list, as you can send a memo to all the UOPs in a room. Convenient for communnities and events.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +u Mark
/mode #webchat +uuu Mark Jennifer Estrella

Format: /mode #room +|-v nickname
v - Voice
Gives the user the ability to speak when the room is moderated (+m).See m for more information on moderation. It also can be used the same way +u can be, as a marker, see CMODE u.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +v Mark
/mode #webchat +vvv Mark Jennifer Estrella

Format: /mode #room +vy
Used With +v,o or u Can Change The Caps Of The Nickname Is The Specified Room
/mode #webchat +vo MiKe mike

Format: /mode #room +|-z
z - Encrypted Channel
This requires the encryption module. This command will lock a channel so that only clients that are encrypted will be allowed into the channel. Not even IRC Operators can bypass this mode with the SAJOIN or FJOIN commands. Operators can bypass this mode by unsetting it with SAMODE and then joining it.
Privilege: Channel Operator
/mode #webchat +z