February 18th, 2001, I woke to bright, shining sun
I stretched: I smiled and began to relax
For today I'd be back on the racetrack
The Daytona 500 will be such fun
The first race of a season just begun
With Ole #3 and me ready to run
My DEI boys will be there too
We'll all race under the skies of blue
Today we've raced hard, long and fast
Me and the boys having a blast
I looked up ahead and what did I see
Mike and Dale Jr. in front of Ole #3
With pride and joy, my eyes full of tears
I thought to myself, I'd keep the track clear
The first race, the first win, with me covering their rear
Race on boys, it's your show; you've only got a mile to go
I felt a bump, I slipped, I turned, but wait, this can't be
For on the wall were Davey, Dad and Neil waiting for me
I smilled and shed a tear; still I knew no fear
Even though I knew, I would be leaving all I held dear

Copyright 2001 Evelyn Adams
February 18, 2001
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