So, you want to know more about me, Professor Pen? Actually, I am a very private person living in the countryside with my my favorite works of literature at my side. However, I would like to introduce you to one of my very best friends, Michelle Bergey. She is a fifth grade teacher in Twentynine Palms, California. (An absolutely wonderful place to go rock climbing, by the way.)

Michelle lives near Joshua Tree National Park with her husband, Terry, a high school math teacher. She has 5 children, one of whom also taught fifth grade with her for a year! She simply adores the desert. She was working on a Masters in Educational Technology and offered to help me get my message about writing to the world by putting it on the web. During the last few years, she took a break from the web site to earn a law degree, but now is back to helping me help kids become better writers. If you'd like to send her a message, I'm sure she'd be happy to hear from you!

E-mail Mrs. Bergey by clicking here

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