Looking for details?


Don't you just hate it when your teacher says "I want more details!"? How can there be more details? Or when the teacher says, "Be more descriptive." What can you do to put more description and details into your papers?

Be a Camera! Not just any camera, mind you, but a magic camera that lets you zoom in and out of settings, seeing and capturing not only the scenes, but the smells, tastes, sounds, and textures of your story. Let's give it a try:


Here is a picture of a nice snow scene. Look at the photo closely. Jot down all of the things that you see in the picture. Can you tell the weather by looking at the picture? You can, can't you? You notice that the sky is clear, there is a person wearing shorts, and that there is no snow on the tree tops...so you can conclude that it's not a very cold day.

Now, what happens when you "zoom" in on the scene?