name & alias Jaeden aka JoeY Dreams
rap style: relaxed facts...

Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 1998 12:55 PM

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my faith can realize,
i can see it in his eyes,
the truth in a disguise,
bring the worls to its demise,
arise..... and look at satan with his grin,
i wanna hit him in his chin,
but, dear Lord, my life is dim,
please forgive me for my sin,
cleanse my soul deep from within,
and give me new hope to begin,
a new light......
a light thats worthy in your sight,
Dear Lord ...... the world is night,
make it bright so i can fight,
light up all my path.......
and give me strength to do whats right.

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cash deductions... get ready for mass destruction,
u couldnt conduct my style... if u had some rap instructions,
lyrical architect constructing thoughts and ideas,
raps to spark the neck... launchin lyrical careers,
put your fears to the test ... then i'll rise above the rest,
cave the chest... and give u a new vote for who's the best,
nah.. im just chillin... in my 3-piece made by scillians,
get me a drink... and i'll be sippin in my pavilion,
schemin of new ways.. to be a finer hooligun,
and dreamin of new days... and of the one and only son,
joey dreamer is never done... say the rhymes till they're none,
while i keep the faith and have fun,
stop the lott!!... stop the presses,
the sleepin giant's been caught....
and the dreamer now confesses...

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... yo yo the dreamer is awake!!!.....
... who wanna battle wit da HoOLiGuNz yo.....
....i'll hit u wit dat sleeper hold.....
srflipalot... the fake ass rap artist
huffin and puffin and tryin his hardest
tryin to dis.. now makin a wish
"oh shewt, i should'nt have started this"
aight aight... someones gonna die tonight
HoOLiGuNz!!... one for all....
cause we all join da fight
yo B, u say u just testin to see
why dont u drop that sh!t
and come steppin to me
i see u hopin and prayin
that no one else is dissin
but go'head and keep sayin
cause nobody's there to listen
ur all alone in the darkness
wishin u never sparked this
omega star left u breathless
but yo... i'll leave u heartless
frontin wit me is nothin like it seems
cause i'll haunt u to hell and back...
even in ur dreams
HoOLiGuNz from west to east!!!
srflipalot... dream in peace
bring ur rhymes wit u
cause ur style is now deceased....

back 2 da collecion of freestylez from da heads who were in dat E-CyphA session...ish kinda old but feel it!!!