<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/fightforever2001/weareangels.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
-Change Beam: Change your opponet into something else such as candy, chocolates, etc. with a mini lightning bolt of energy.  This technique automattically kills your opponet.  Requires 100,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 200,000 KI / 150,000 KI if mastered.
Known By: Bra
Mastered By: Babidi

-Kaioken: Get a tremendous boast of energy in an instant, increasing your speed by 300% and your strength and energy by 200%.  This lasts for one turn.  If mastered it lasts for two turns.  Requires 50,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 100,000 KI / 75,000 KI if mastered.
Known By: North Kai
Mastered By: East Kai

-Mega Yell: Yell extremly loud canceling out any ENERGY attack thrown at you.  If mastered you can use this twice.  Requires 25,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 100,000 KI / 75,000 KI if mastered.
Known By: Future Trunks
Mastered By: West Kai

-Instant Transmission: Place your index and middle finger on your forehead, concentrate hard, and teleport to that location that was in your head.  This technique gets you to another planet in one day and can only be used like that every 1 week.  If used in battle it adds 1 extra dodge every time used.  Requires 100,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 75,000 KI / 50,000 KI if mastered.
Known By: North Kai, Brolly, Piccolo, Bejita, Future Trunks
Mastered By: King Yargratt

-Fusion Dance: Do a crazy dance along with your partener who has to do the same exact dance and fuse together to make one super being.  Requires the Porta earings to help fuse.  This makes into one and combines all your states together, X3.  Requires 200,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses no KI.
Known By:
Mastered By: Dai Kaioshin

-Deadzone: As the sky looks like its shattering like a broken window, you open up the portal to the deadzone.  This is a place where nothing is suitable to live.  The portal just sucks everything up but it really trying to suck the opponet up.  The portal closes either on command by the user or if the user is thrown in there some how.  This is how its going to work...  The user opens up the portal.  You have 7 more turns untill your are sucked up into the deadzone.  In those 7 turns you must do one thing.  KO your opponet!  The user can also get sucked up too.  If the opponet does successfully KO the user.  The user will be sucked up into the deadzone and the portal will close.  If the opponet does not KO the user in those 7 turns, then the opponet is sucked up and the user closes the portal.  Whoever goes into the deadzone will not ever come out unless someone gathers up the dragonballs and asks the dragon to release the prisoner.  Other than that there is no way out.  If this move is mastered it will suck the opponet up in 5 turns.  Requires 250,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 500,000 KI / 250,000 KI if mastered.
Known By:
Mastered By: Garlic

-Para Para Dance: Do some weird dance and have the opponet staring and be frozen for 3 turns.  If mastered you freeze the opponet for 4 turns.  Requires 75,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 200,000 KI / 100,000 KI if mastered.
Known By:
Mastered By: Para Para Brothers

-Heal: Place both hands ontop your allys head and  revive a downed ally to full health.  This does not work if they are dead.  If mastered you can heal two at a time.  Requires 100,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 100,000 KI / 75,000 KI if mastered.
Known By:
Mastered By: Guru

-Haretsu no Maho: A magical spell that blows up your opponet from the inside on out by chanting "Pa para pa pa"  This only works on the weak so your PL must be greater than the opponets by X2.  This can only be used if the opponet has 50% vitality left.  If mastered, this technique can be used when the opponet has 75% vitality left.  Requires 250,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 300,000 KI / 200,000 If mastered.
Known By:
Mastered By: Babidi

-Dematerealize: Disapear by turning into a bunch of little cubes and apear on the other side ot attack your opponet.  This makes the on coming 3 attack undodgable.  If mastered it makes 4 moves undodgable.  Requires 200,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 300,000 KI / 250,000 KI if mastered.
Known By: Bejita, Brolly
Mastered By: Janenba

-Hankokubikkurisho: Basically means lightning suprise attack.  Use the energy within yourself to make an energy chain tangle up your opponet, shocking him with the power of lightning.  This holds your opponet for 3 turns and inflicts 10% energy damage each turn.  If mastered it holds your opponet for 4 turns and inflicts 10% energy damage each turn.  Requires 100,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 250,000 KI / 200,000 if mastered.
Known By: Bra
Mastered By: Master Roshi

-Finger of Death: Explode those with possitive spirit with your "Finger" of death.  Requires a special whip from Cardinal Mutchy Motchy.  This can only be used when your opponet with possitive spirit has only 25% vitality left.  If mastered, you can use this when your opponet has 50% vitality left.  Requires 100,000 Intellegence to learn/master...  Uses 200,000 KI / 150,000 KI if mastered.
Known By:
Mastered By: Cardinal Mutchy Motchy