<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/fightforever2001/sfa3karin.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Name: Human
Aol Sn: N/A
Email: N/A
Race: Human
Team: Humans
Location: Earth
Spirit: Can't tell
Cash: A good amount
Status: Minding their own bussiness

Power Level: ???
Strength: ???
Speed: ???
Intellegence: ???
Vitality: ???
Toughness: ???
Energy: ???
KI: ???
Extra Points: ???

Attacks: ???
Technique: N/A
Items: ???

Favors Owed: None
Favors Owed to him: None
Wishs Granted: None

Extra Info: For the most part they are peacefull and will mind their own bussiness.  Some punks might approach you and try to pick a fight with you.  Every human on this planet is real weak, so you will have no problem fighting them