<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/fightforever2001/vegetamusic.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Name: Janenba
Aol Sn: N/A
Email: N/A
Race: 100% Spirit Demon
Team: N/A
Location: Checkin Station
Spirit: -100,000
Cash: None
Status: Figuring out a way to take control of the Next Dimension

Power Level: 7,800,000
Strength: 1,000,000
Speed: 1,000,000
Intellegence: 3,000,000
Vitality: 1,000,000
Toughness: 800,000
Energy: 1,000,000
KI: 2,000,000
Extra Points: 0

Attacks: Punch(25%)Strength
             Mastered Dirty Trick(125% damage/50,000KI)Strength
Technique: Dematerealize(Mastered)
Items: N/A

Favors Owed: None
Favors Owed to him: None
Wishs Granted: None

Extra Info: Looking for a good challenge
                 Requires -25,000 spirit and 50,000 toughness to train with him