<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/fightforever2001/weareangels.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
-Change Bodies: Switch bodies with your opponet by shooting a strange beam out of your mouth that enters into your opponets mouth.  When you do this technique you only get your opponet vitality.  If mastered you switch states completly.  This is not a permenat thing.  Its only used in one battle.
Known By:
Bardock, Dende
Mastered By:

-Zanzouken: Make an after image of yourself for moving so fast.  This technique lets you gain one extra dodge during battle.  If mastered it gives you two extra dodges during battle.
Known By:
Frieza, Dende, Bra, Bardock, Bejita, Videl
Mastered By:

-Mega Power Up: This is when you've had enough and are filled with tons of rage.  You power up but this time its personal so its a Mega Power Up now.  You increase your speed, strength, energy, and vitality by 40%.  If mastered, those states go up by 50% instead.
Known By:
Brolly, Nappa, Android 16, Bardock, Future Trunks, Gokuya, Son Gohan, Raditz
Mastered By:

-Oni: This is when your body grows big in length which adds 100% more to your strength but decreases your speed by half.  If mastered, your strength goes up by 100% and so does your energy.
Known By:
Mastered By:

-Psycho: This is when your body gets buffer because you are filled with crazy rage.  Your strength and energy increases by 100% and your speed is cut in half.  The only bad part is that your intellegence goes down by 10% PERMENATLY.  Be carefull when using this move.  If mastered you also get to block any attack other than elite ones.
Known By:
Mastered By:
Son Goku

-Brutewave: You throw a ball of light into the air similar to the full moon light.  If your a Saiyajin and have a tail then you can turn into an Oozaru on the spot.  This is mainly for Saiyajin use so there is no point in learning this move if your arent one.
Known By:
Mastered By:

-Koshoku: This is to eat light.  This technique is only good when facing a Super Saiyajin.  You can eat the Super Saiyajins light energy and regain 50% vitality each time while your Saiyajin opponet goes back to normal form and has to try and transform again if he wants.  If mastered, you can use this technique twice.
Known By:
Dende, Gokuya, Trunks, Bardock
Mastered By:

-Teleport: Use your psychic energy and teleport on the other side of your opponet so that you may perform an undodgable attack.  If mastered you can use this move twice.
Known By:
Piccolo, Dende, Brolly
Mastered By:
Son Gohan

-Stone Spit: Spit on your opponet and turn a part of him into stone.  Once you do this the are paralyzed for one turn and vunerable so you can perform an undodgable attack.  This does were off though after that one turn.  If mastered, this move can be used twice.
Known By:
Frieza, Son Gohan
Mastered By:

-Taunt: Taunt at your opponet and if your opponet has ANY negative spirit he will use a random attack at you aimlessly and will automatically miss, wasteing some KI during the battle.  If mastered you can use this technique twice.
Known By:
Son Gohan, Bra
Mastered By:
Strong Techniques...
---Requires an Intellegence of 15,000 to learn
---Requires an Intellegence of 20,000 to master
---Takes 5 days to learn and another 5 days to master
---Limit to mastering ANY technique is 2
---Does not take up a turn when using any of these techniques
---You can only use techniques once during a battle