CNN's LA-LA "guerilla" Hezbolla


CNN: Hezbollah "guerilla"
[to go ahead with deal on freeing Israeli businessman & 3 soldiers hostages with Israel in exchange to 400 Arabs...]
Another CNN's 'innovative' - twisted Headline? Or more of the same?  
As if it was not enough with the "gunmen" tribute to the mass murderers terrorists.
As if it was not enough with the "fighters" tribute to those that target babies.
As if it was not enough with the "armed-men" tribute to killers of civilians.
As if it was not enough with the "militants" tribute to the cold blooded, well planned terror masters & their "moderate" spokespersons
The same bias & falsification tainted CNN, has 'come up' with a "new"  title to the notorious bloody murderous Hezbolla's history of shelling at Israeli civilian houses (oh, not even at the so called "Settlements").
A new dangerous trendy buttering-up terrorists, spreading like a virus on to other media channels.
The "Guerilla"-lizing.
How on earth could anyone wish wash these ugly low life mass murderers with a "legitimizing" hint of "fighting" or "guerilla-fighting"?
Don't ever mask the plain terrorists into "army, fighting, guerilla," Whatever.
CNN, Learn to tell the plain dry truth for once!
Come on all together now:
HEZBOLLAH T E R R O R I S T S attacked Israeli DEFENSE.

