CNN's Dull/Boring OneSided ME Interviews

The Suicidal Left in Israel, the covering on Butcher Arafat, the PHONY slogan "checkpoint" & the ignoring of terror as the CRIME it really is

Re: Q & A Interview Sep/08/03

The Haaretz Writer 'Sharon Sade' asides from the stutter English, he represented not only Israel in a bad unfair light but even his "lefty radical" agenda came out geek, silly & laughable.

He mentioned (yes, the Israeli Haaretz, before the AlQuds Palestinian writer) the "liberator" Arafat, never once has he mentioned the T E R R O R  atrocities of Arab Palestinians on ordinary Israeli innocent civilians.

Let alone the :"liberal Israeli" agenda that still is blind that ANYONE in the Arab Street will behave better towards Israel because of the ALWAYS APOLOGETIC approach to Arab crimes on Israel.

In short, CNN has not learned yet to try to balance the programs but again went on that monotone DULL BORING Voice of: 'Yes, the "brutal occupation" & the checkpoints. said the Palestinian reporter, in the last words, and Israeli Haaretz writer Sharon replied like a copycat that has no idea from right to left:
'Yea, that's right'!!!

BTW Another slogan has come up lately in the Palestinian Arab Misinformation machine:
What's that?
Do we Americans complain on "checkpoints" in the airports as a "brutal occupation"?
Don't Israelis also go through checkpoints so often?
Is it not for survival?


The most missing point that no one has brought up, the BIG SECRET THAT TELLS THE TERRORISTS WHAT TO DO...

Asides from his own official Fatah Terror movement that has murdered/maimed many civilians, What about Fatah?

The interviewer gave her own "opinion" that targeted elimination Jihad leaders is "not a good thing"...

If CNN really wants to appear more truth worthy CNN Should start by having some balance between the AlQuds paper & Jerusalem-Post for example.


Follow up:

They do read our email...

On Sep/16/03 CNN's Q&A Interviewer DID invite the JerusalemPost Editor in Chief Bret Stephens, on the Arafat Problem.

Was it just by coincidence after we emailed last week the above?

I don't think so.
