CNN's 'Inside the Middle East' program is not entirely an "insider"...

Example: This weekend of 9/10/05

1) Hala Gorani featured the Christian minority in Gaza, there was not one mention of Arafat's constant persecution of Christians (that crushed them to such a tiny minority), however the transparent fear of the Arab-Christian priest interviewed, his reluctant & extra caution of words should be clear to everyone that Hamas' totalitarian cruelty (and it's 70% popularity among "moderates" there...) is all over the place.

This at the very recent Anti-Christian Pogrom in the West Bank, interesting how CNN "forgot" about this latest 'incident'.

2) Jim Biterman reported on the 'situation' in France, and the effect post Gift-Of-Land in Gaza to the "Palestinians". We were expecting Mr. Jim Bitterman to be mentioning the obvious ONE SIDED violence from Arab Muslims on Jews, whether physical brutality on people passers by that happened to be Jews, or burning down Synagogues etc. instead he started off by being blurry and painting it inaccurately, as he said tension between Muslims and Jews..., AS IF Jews were --in some cases-- the attackers as well...

Maybe it is that wrong notion that all sides are equally to blame, as that cliche of "extremists on both sides", (Let's face it, as on the Arab Muslim side, is there any organized murderers of civilians on the Israeli or any Jewish side?) is well entrenched in journalism today, either to appear as politically correct or to make the impression as being "objective". We are very sorry that Mr. Bitterman is either naive in this area or feels that he has to "say" it in such a form-formula for journalism-today.
