12:10 PM ET

Missing Details & wrongful describtion of Butcher Arafat


Mr. Michael Holmes has put together some short 'resume' of Yasser Arafat.
Somehow he starts at the 1982 Israel's Galilee-Freedom operation, not even explaining that it came after Israeli civilians were hit inside their homes in K. Shmone by Arab 'Palestinian' terrorists' missiles.
But more importantly, Mr. Holmes failed  1) to start at Arafat's birth place: EGYPT! Yes, so much for his 'homeland' slogans. 2) The Fatah terror movement that he started in the 1950s long before the current excuse of "1967-occupation."
An important failure was the charges via documents that Arafat PERSONALLY Finances & orders Homicide Bombers.
Asides from his open Tanzim terror organization.
Another error was as he mixed the two things into one sentence: 'Palestinian' Suicide Bombings & Israeli missiles...
Mr. Holmes!
Since when do Israelis target the innocent civilians with their missiles as Palestinian Arabs do all the time.
But the most important mistake was when Mr. Homeless started by describing that Yasser Arafat established himself to build a "Palestinian" homeland.
Now where's Arafat's open declared elimination of Israel policy that started his career?
