Re EU Formal Complaint to Israel

March, 2004

Minister Brian Cowen.
I read where you delivered formal complaints from The EU to Israel this weekend concerning the Israeli raids on proven terrorist bank accounts which had siphoned off monies donated to the PLO by The EU.

You had said that the raid had hampered efforts of the Palestinian finance minister and that he was a positive force in the Palestinian administration.  You neglected to enumerate just what the finance minister's efforts consist of nor did you set a time frame for completion.

European Union Ambassador Giancarlo Chevallard said that Israel's raid had undermined economic reforms the EU was attempting to implement in the Palestinian Administration by forcing them to pay salaries through bank accounts

These said bank accounts were traced back to relief monies donated by The EU and others for humanitarian and relief activities which had been diverted to Hamas and Islamic Jihad accounts. 

The Palestinian Refugees have been residing in Israel for 30 years; how long are these reforms going to take?  Israel does not have the patience to wait another 30 years for "reforms" to take effect.  This has not been accomplished, nor do I suspect that it would ever be accomplished given the present administration of the PLO.

Ambassador Chevallard said,"The raid gives Chairman Yasser Arafat an excuse to continue paying in cash, hampering accountability." 

Chairman Arafat could pay the accumulated debt of the entire EU out of the pocket change he has amassed over the last 30 years and never miss it.  Hopefully; it is his CASH that is now going to pay salaries.

In future, please be advised not to be so critical of Countries who take positive steps to secure their safety and well being when well meaning but ineffectual people fail to accomplish tasks they are not equipped to manage.

