Advisory to blind haters out there, obsessed about 'Jews' or carrying the same obsession under cover of 'anti-Zionists'.

"Dear" Haters!

Either 'Khazaria' or Judea

1) You can not 'blame the Jews for Romans killing of Jesus' and then turn around and claim that most European Jews (myth) are of 'Khazar' origin.

Either WMD or the 'Zionists'

2) You can not claim that US/UK (and other Western countries) knew all along that there weren't any Weapons of mass destruction, and than again "blame" the 'Zionists' for "pushing" to war, if there weren't any MD, they didn't have a reason to. (as opposed to those that blame Bush only for oil motives).

If WW2 was 'not' so great and unique, Don't 'shock' us when you choose to use it

3) You can not try to diminish the most unique crime against humanity (i.e. the Holocaust), belittling it, and then all of a sudden put on a "serious" face and exaggerate Israel's response to terrorists targeting civilians, with some ridiculous usage of WW2 terms.

Bible's harshness?
So is the much more overwhelming sweetness to the Jews

4) If you are such a strong believer in the Bible, instead of picking up a few phrases that refer to a person that sins (we all do), you can not help but to see the special obligation that Jews have in morality (Is that why the double standard to Jews? if so, you are then admitting in fact the opposite of belittling the Jews and do say so openly), or you can easily see God's special bond with Israel Hebrews or as called in the Book of Esther: Jews.
But you can't definitely select one phrase over the overwhelming positivity to the Jews.
Add to it, you disclaim immediately on DE-legitimizing Jews' to their historic homeland (see #1)
So don't be bitter about the chosen-nes & undermine your theory by saying that the very Jews you hate are 'not the same' but that of the 'Khazar's' (myth).

The contradictory salad of calling black as white, apples with oranges, lumping totally different ideologies together to 'fit' the target, which is: Hatred

5) If you lump all Jews with communists, you can not lump them all with Talmudists.
If you lump such Zionists the type of secular Sharon and the majority of Israeli army, Talmud has absolutely no basis there, nor communism for that matter.
If you blame 'all' Zionists, the fact is that the more ultra religious you are -- i.e. the more Talmudic you are the less Zionist you are (ultra religious Jews don't even serve in Israeli army).
If you show me so many Zionists lefty Jews that criticize Israel (that stems either out of ultra humanistic feeling, or failing to see reality of the terrible danger Israel is merely trying to survive against) who've strong voices in mainstream Israel, then you can not in any way shape or form use it against all Jews, or against all Israelis, or against all Zionists for that matter, then again, you wouldn't glorify so many Jews -- the critics either.
(Funny how the Arab side doesn't have the same equivalent action for Israeli victims).

What does all of that mean?
Jews are extremely diverse, period.

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Either pick one 'channel' & "suffer" the consequences of glorifying the Jews, or reinvent your strategy (you'd have to go back at least 2,000 years for that),
Or admit that you demand of the Jews because you hold them to a higher standard.
Your admissions.
Now, who's in fact making them 'chosen', if not you?

6) I can't see any nation/religion that has faced such an unfair treatment as 'collecting' negative data (if) perpetrated by people that had (or didn't have) some 'Jewish' connection, moreover by the same token failing to mention the special achievement in all walks of life, especially in 'going out for the disadvantaged, locally, as well as all over the globe'.

A tiny example, 2/3 of American Jews' donations go to non Jewish causes!

This most blatant unfairness and self contradictory behavior says it all
