So many benevolent Jews lose big money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause
 So many benevolent Jews lose big money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause
So many benevolent Jews lose so much money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause.
Worth mentioning --at this juncture-- the unknown fact that 'most donations by Jews go to non-Jewish causes.'
Then again, what is classic garbage of anti-Semitism if not picking one 'bad' Jew and omitting all 'good' Jews?

The very first self proclaimed "writer" to dance the evil dance was no other than the already infamous Nazi: HERR Jöran Jerma, that has adapted (among a list of names like 'Adam Ermash', also a) "Hebrew" name: Israel Shamir.
This awful human being couldn't wait and not cede the opportunity and provide "antisemitic wisdom for the perplexed"..., it's worth mentioning  that for years, this "aryan-writer" has been posing as a "pro-palestinian advocate", decrying how "poor palestinians suffer", imagine such a white-supremacist telling us how he "aches" for brown Arabs, actually, this tactic of damning the Jews (who are trying to survive against terrorism and genocide) with a mask of caring for palestinians have been used by KKK's D. Duke too...
[Israel Shamir exposed  as an open neo-Nazi, - he has a Book out , even European anti-Israel activist groups repudiate him as an embarrassment].

Websites carrying his "work" are:  (KKK's) David Duke, Rense, some other "white power" or "white powder" pages.
Because they are jealous of Jews' special morals and kindness...
Only one-tenth of Jewish philanthropists limit their giving to Jewish charities alone, while one-fourth give only to non-Jewish causes.. - Why Aren’t Jews Giving to Jews? Jewish philanthropic donations to the secular community are outweighing those going to the Jewish community. - Poll: Richest U.S. Jews give mostly to non-Jewish causes

More on Jews giving to non-Jews

"Few Large Donations Go to Jewish Causes - "Few Large Donations Go to Jewish Causes. By Nacha Cattan, With Reporting by .... donations during that period from all individuals, Jewish and non-Jewish...
Jewish causes get few top gifts, study finds - Jewish News of... Their giving to non-Jewish organizations....
JPR: Publication - A Portrait of Jews in London and the South-East ...May 8, 2003 ... Cancer research charities were mentioned most often, having received donations from 69 per cent of respondents. 'Other non-Jewish causes' ...
Jewish leaders bracing for Madoff fallout - The Boston Globe Dec 22, 2008 ... "Jews give away a minimum of $5 billion a year to Jewish causes alone, and much more than that to non-Jewish causes, so if we add up maybe a ... of its assets with Madoff, said it is hoping to avoid reducing donations. ...
