A sample of grossly misleading distortion & total confusion by the fanatical left
Clarity: Only Islamists kill, torture & maim in the name of religion
December 25, 2006, on PRI's NPR's "The World" (also by the BBC), (3:00 PM ET)  ( http://theworld.org ) in a program of religion and politics today, of course only the far lefty representatives were present, here are a few pointers.
In the age of politically correctness, you can never tell it like it is, you got to be an equalizer, the facts matter very little, so the anchor only embedded he radical Islam's war as part of religion per se and war, though very true in past history of humankind, you simply just can't pretend that 'all religions today possess the same menace', so for Islamic militants that kill in the name of Islam, he had to bring Pope's branding Islam of all violence, then in his desperate search for an "equivalent" in Judaism, finally seemed to have found his yearning for a  'Jewish zealot', erroneous in Yigal Amir that allegedly killed Yitzchak Rabin, the problem is, Yigal Amir had little to do with religious motives than with panic of security for Israelis.
The fact is that Jewish scholars never teach for a "war on others".
The fact that Islamic Jihadists and Arab racists have a "holy" or racist war against the Jews does not mean that the Zionists have the same types of motives, you can't attach that to a people simply fighting for it's survival, no one declares a war on 'all Muslims to die', but too many Muslims surroudning Israel declare to wipe them all off, or to push them all into the sea' all in the name of Islam of course.
Unlike Islamists that commit atrocities around the world in the name of Islam, as motivated by their religious leaders' sermons and proclaiming Allah Akbar amidst their heinous acts against humanity.
Clarity: Sudan genocide is about Arab racism and Islamic Jihad on 'other type of Muslims'
About the calamity in Sudan another major error was made, Diana said that Darfur has nothing to do with Islam vs. Christians since the government is also Muslim, however, as a matter of fact, it has been concluded long ago, that it is motivated by both: Arab racism & Islamic Jihad, Arab racismand the different Muslim practices between the Arab Muslims that commit the atrocities vs, the non-Arab, African Sudanese that also practice the Sufi branch of Islam, it is also interesting that in the very next program by NPR: 'All things considered', on the situation of Islamists and Jihadists taking over Somalia, Ambassador Mr. Cohen did mention Islamic Eritrea's involvement in the Darfur tragedy.