My Friend- E.'s Letter to UN & EU at their Hypocritical  Deafening Silence Post Cold Blooded Murder of the Pregnant Mother and her 4 kids: Hatuel Family (May-04)

Forwarded Message:
Subj: my letter to EU and UN 
Date: 5/12/2004 1:16:14 PM Eastern Standard Time

Thanks.  Thanks for nothing. 
Your treacherous buffoonery is legendary.  Let all who keep faith with humanity condemn Muslim acts of ghoulish barbarism.  Where
is your outrage?  Where is your righteous indignation?   
When Israel erects a fence to keep out terrorists and protect its citizens from being murdered, your organizations loudly protest such measures.  However, when a pregnant Jewish woman and her four children are brutally murdered, you remain silent.  Your indifference to the shedding of Jewish blood and your hypocrisy do not go unnoticed.
Your silence makes you, and your repugnant organizations, nothing more than avatars of evil.
Thanks.  Thanks for nothing.
xxxxx xxxxxxx
A.Y.C.'s Letter:

Forwarded Message:

Your organization is vocal and outraged because Israel is building a fence to keep out murdering terrorists. Yet when a pregnant woman and her four children are executed by "heroic" terrorists, you are silent.
I ask why? Why the dual standard? Is it because of the deep seated European anti-Semitism? Is it because of the fact that Israel has no oil to sell you and that the Arabs do that you grovel at the feet of the Moslem hoard? Where is your integrity or don't you have any?
Stop the Double Standard Applied Against Israel Petition
