The Spanish Lesson, 03-04
How to lead, how to-lead-not how to win & how to fail
With all due respect to Mr. Aznar's firm stand on Iraq, his way of 'doing things' was not at all firm.
One would think that a firm right hand vs Jihad is bound to fail?
The Spaniards' Blood is shed, the Spaniards Cry, the world Condemns, the Pro -Iraq-Operation are Ousted at election
Who's 'happy' besides the Jihadi Islamo Arab Qaeda and 'moderate' sympathizers?
Ultra liberals couldn't be happier, the organizers of the so called 'Anti War's movement were fast drying off the fresh warm blood of the massacred innocents, and are 'busy' wiping them off in their clapping hands of the "fruits" of "victory," 'I told you so...' they'll shout.
Between masses and the 'anti War' organizers
Of course it is easier to convince people in 'not going to any war,' than other wise, but this is not the only measure to 'successful' explanation to those not involved in current affairs, the majority of people that 'just want to live their lives'.
What people see
It is what people see at their leaders behavior, in How to do things', that ultimately determines the public opinion.
In other words;
It is not only What you do, but How you do it, how you do that important Right thing.
And Spain?
Mr. Aznar, being on the right side, was on the wrong side of doing things, right from the start, we saw his OPEN, or failed-to-hide show of fear from Al Qeada's political success following their atrocity.
What did Spaniards see?
They saw an evading leader that is afraid, very afraid, Would he come like President Bush, and stand chin up, with full force, full volume, speak with both cheeks on 'not giving in,' Would he come out as a morale booster rather than a political geek, things would be different, very different.
The Psychological Underline
Why is he afraid?
What's his motive for caving in, which Spaniards saw in his stubbornness in refusing to blame it on Al Qaeda?
Is he afraid of us be shifted more towards the 'anti-war-warriors' camp?
If so -- thought the Spaniards -- it means there's a big fear of this reality, because you Mr. Aznar are crumbling, It is YOU who's broadcasting to us via your vibes, that many have that 'leftism' in them waiting to get out, just about to explode, more, it means there's here a cowardice fear from your part at Jihadi Terrorists as a whole, you our leader!
What People Follow
People follow what they see as firm, not just what you stand for, but how you back it up, they follow foundation, they follow what they see as a base.
That's exactly John Kerry's success, most people see a leader, not what he says, but in the assurance & resilience he backs it up.
Listen up liberals as well, especially those of you that are against Jihad, but go about the wrong way, you would at least agree with me that the outcome in Spain is disastrous Jihad's-Victory over freedom & Democracy.
So Hold your horses and your trumpets!
Most importantly, quit seeing these "successes" as 'evidence' that you are right.
Don't tell us, that this is 'what people want', for you are dead wrong on both accounts.
Translation of this Spanish lesson, available in all languages!