Subj: Stop funding Arabist-BBC's Bias 

BBC -- BIG, POWERFUL, YES! Respectable & honest? NO!

Wasn't there enough of that supposedly "broader view" on the middle east?

Haven't we had enough when the BBC's editor "revealed" in a "respectable" manner (!!!) the 'plain' RACISM, that he erases emails-letters with 'Jewish' surnames without reading?

BIG, POWERFUL, YES! Respectable & honest? NO!

Why do gullible British have to continue to pay & sponsor while BBC goes more & more on the wild extreme all-lose anti Israel-US rant?

BIG, POWERFUL, YES! Respectable & honest? NO!

Evenhanded? What's that in the BBC world?
Heavy-handed oiled Arabist, that's more like it.

How many letters, How much tint, How many calls were not enough, but one Arabist Mafia (with open Arabic surnames...) letter 'moves things' in that "objective" BBC, Is it just the M-O-N-E-Y in the Arab market WHAT'S BBC's ALL ABOUT?

Enough is enough!

BBC's Selective Sensitivity
