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Hi there!  I hope you're doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by, and always have a wonderful day!
Theresa, July 1999 Theresa and her "3 Cuties"
Here's a scan of my California driver's license taken in July 1999! This photo was taken on Saturday, November 8, 2003 during the Al Zampa Memorial Bridge Opening Day!  My "3 Cuties" and I walked across this bridge to Crockett and then back to Vallejo (California)! We were in the first batch of 50 out of hundred of thousands of people. It was indeed a historical day!
Theresa and her "3 Cuties"
Theresa, August 2002.
Here's a photo of me and my "3 Cuties" taken in September 2001 - Rachelle, then 12; Chrysta, then 8; and Sammie, then 5!
A cute critter referred to as a prairie dog by Okies eating a cracker.  We call them gophers or ground hogs in California. LOL
And here's me...tada!
A nice, blue sky shown above Lawton (Ft. Sill), Oklahoma.
Here's one of my favorite Oklahoma pictures.  A prairie dog eating a cracker, taken on November 15, 2003.
Theresa in Lawton, Oklahoma!
Look, they truly have mountains in Oklahoma, so whoever said Oklahoma is flat -- flat out lied.  LOL!  Another favorite Okie picture of mine, taken on November 15, 2003.
San Francisco 49ers logo!
And last, but not least!  Yes, I'm a "true, die-hard" San Francisco 49ers fan!  Go 49ers!
And to prove that I was truly there in Oklahoma, here's a picture of me with some of Oklahoma's mountains in the background (yeah right, LOL), taken November 15, 2003.
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