Kevin Fillips' New Orleans Notebook

Places I Like:

  1. Café du Monde

  2. 813 Decatur, It is right across Decatur from Jackson Square. This place is where it is at. I cannot express how much I love this place. Early Morning, late at night - all times in between. It never fails, I almost always see people I know there. One of my requirements of a French Quarter Hotel is its a quick walk to the CDM. Map
  3. Cat's Meow

  4. 701 Bourbon St.. This is a Karaoke Bar on the corner of St. Peter & Bourbon
  5. Pat O' Brien's

  6. 718 St Peter St ...My friends never tire of this place. They can sit in the piano bar for days. I am not sure if that is something to be proud of. Nor is this. We had so many Hurricaine glasses on our table, the piano player announced to the crowd that she had NEVER seen as many on one table. Map
  7. Gumbo Shop

  8. 630 St Peter St Good food, pleasant staff. map
  9. Napolean House

  10. 718 St Peter St ...This bar is the coolest place in the quarter frequented by local writers and some cool tourists. I have yet to eat there, but next time I will. map
  11. Mother's

  12. 401 Poydras St... Pant Pant Pant. Simply the best cafeteria I have ever been in. My friend Shawn literaly squeeled with delight when I re-introduced him to this place. map
  13. Mr. Gyro

  14. 819 Decatur ...I have a soft spot in my heart for this place. I was in need of something to fill my stomach (can you guess why it was empty?) This place filled the bill. Even Dan enjoyed his Gyro, and he was not empty. Map
  15. The French Quarter A&P

  16. Although their deli leaves something to be desired, I just love plowing through the aisles of this place.
  17. Progress Grocery Map
  18. Central Grocery

  19. Time Warp! I thought I was living in oldtimes when I stumbled into these places for cigarettes. Map
  20. Poppy's Grill

  21. 717 Saint peter St. Across from Pat O' Brien's, it is a nice place for a quick breakfast It's Kitschy map
  22. Acme Oyster House.
  23. 724 Iberville St... A former classmate of mine used to run this place, but despite that connection it gets high marks from me and a lot of reviewers. map
  24. The Bluebird
  25. 3625 Prytania Uptown, around the block from 3636 St. Charles - this is a fun(ky) breakfast place. Take the street car from the CBD on Sunday sometime, its worth it. Be sure te depart the streetcar at 3636. Try their fortified "Powerhouse eggs". Q/F map
  26. Chris Owens' Club
  27. 502 Bourbon St... This club has to be experienced to be believed. Miss Owens is a dynamic entertainer, and is a crowd pleaser. Expect to be pulled on stage for some help with the show. When I was there I flat flat on my behind doing the limbo onstage. ., (504) 523-6400 map

Places I wish to go:

  1. Kaldi's

  2. may be closed :-(
    941 Decatur
    for coffee
  3. St. Charles Tavern

  4. Frequented by friendly cops and cabbies.
  • Some college friends and I are planning on going every year. December right before christmas works very well for us.

Places I have stayed:

  1. Bienville House

  2. Right on Decatur - I have stayed there for several years now.
    320 Decatur Street
    New Orleans
    Louisiana 70130
    Tel: (504) 529-2345 Fax: (504) 525-6079
  3. Lé Meridien

  4. 614 Canal Street ... A fine French chain located on Canal Street map
  5. Next year????? Obviously most likely the Bienville House, maybe an apartment in the Quarter
  • I started out staying with friends that lived there, but now I usually stay at a hotel or some time, I plan on renting an apartment.
Me in front of a transvestite bar, with a performer and Lisa.