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 Bibliografía Filosofía para Niñ@s

a b c d e f g h i j k l    (m-z) A
 Abbs, Peter (Ed.): Special issue of Aspects of Education: Journal of the
Institute of Education (Hull, England: The University of Hull, 1993) pp. 23-35.

Adams, Elaine, "Schools make effort to turn their students into thinkers,"
Kansas City Post Dispatch, Oct. 12, 1982

Adler, Jonathan: "Philosophy for Children: A Review of the Texts from the
Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Chi1dren", The Lion and the
Unicorn, Vol. 11, No. 2, Oct. 1987, pp. 136-140.

Agusti Casanova, "Filosofia 6/18 (1)" Diari de Girona (catalonia) June 26, 1991

Ahearn, James: "Right versus wrong: Can schools install values?", Bergen Record,
March 5, 1989

Alvino, James, "Philosophy for Children", Teacher, March, 1980, pp. 53-56

Ande, Terutsugu and Kazuyasu Watanabe: "A study of M. Lipman's Philosophy for
Children," Bulletin No. 45, Colloge of Education, Fukui University, 1993, pp.

Ande, Terutsugu: "Background to the teaching of thinking", in Kyoiku Jissen
Kenkyu, Fukui University, No. 15, 1990. pp. 1-12.

Ande, Terutsugu: "How to teach one's Class to adapt Elfie", Japan Association of
American Education Studies, Bulletin No. 4, 1993, pp. 11-19

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UNESCO-NACIONS UNIDES, Centre Unesco de Catalunya, October, 1987, No. 22, P.

Araujo, Malvina: "Filosofando con Ninos," Revista de educacion, Ministerio de
Educacion Publica, September, 1986, pp. 37-39.

Arosio, Enrico: "Alice nel paese dei filosofi," L'espresso (Italiy), Aug. 1987,
p. 122

Arosio, Enrico: "Alice nel paese dei filosofi," L'espresso (Italy), 9 Aug. 1987,
pp. 122-124

Arosio, Enrico: "Wszystkie dzieci filozofuja..." Nauczanie (Poland), Listopada,
1987, P. 19

Arosio, Enrico: "Wszystkie Dzieci Filozofuja...", Nauczanie (Poland), Listopada
1987, p. 19

ASCD Update, "Experts debate the specific¯ of future thinking instruction," Vol.
28, No. 3, May, 1986, pp. 10-11


Barash, Lisa and Olivia Severs, "What makes a philosopher laugh?", Limelight
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Baron, Jonathan: Rationality and Intelligence (New York: Cambridge U. Press,
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Baron, Jonathan: "Review of Philosophy goes to School, Educational Leadership,
Vol. 46, No. 6, March, 1989, p. 90.

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Newport News Daily press April 16, 1985, Dl-D2.

Baum, Robert: "10 Top Programs," Learning, February, 1990, pp. 51-55.

Baz, Maria: "Pied Pipers of Philosophy," Malamalama, Vol. 13, No. 3, Summer,
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Beausoleil, Jocelyn R. and Marie-France Daniel, "L'identification des dimensions
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(Austria) 18 November 1989, p. 5

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   Sozialwissenschaften: Streitforum fur Erwagungskultur, EuS 4 (1393) Heft 3
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Bolivar Botia, Antonio, "Filosofia para ninos," Cuadernas de Pedagogia, 83,
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Brandt,  Anthony,  "Teaching Kids to  Think,"  Ladies Home Journal, Sept. 1982,
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Brandt, Ron: "Philosophy in the Curriculum, A Conversation with Matthew Lipman,"
Educational Leadership, Vol. 46, No. 1, Sept, 1988, pp. 34-37

Bransford, John D., Ruth Arbitman-Smith, Barry S. Stein and Nancy J. Vye,
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Judith W. Segal, Susan F. Chipman and Robert Glaser, Thinking and Learning

   Vol. 1 (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum & Co., 1985,pp. 133-208

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Buchanan, Bill: Review of Thinking in Education (Educational Studies, Vol. 23,
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1993) Thinking Stories 2 (Sidney, Australia: Hale and Iremonger, 1994) Teacher
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Cantos, Carmen Merchan: "Filosofia para ninos", in Seccion Catalana de la
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Cebulka, Doris: "Sokrates und Kant fur Kinder", Deutches Allgemeines
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Chance, Paul: Report on Thinking Skills Programs, Curriculum Report, May, 1986

Chance, Paul  "Teaching Thinking," in NASSP Curriculum report, 15, 5, May, 1986

Chance, Paul: Thinking in the classroom (Ne¯ York: Teachers College Press, 1986
Ch. 4, pp. 41-5

Chbat, Joseph: review of Anita Caron, "Philosphie et pensee chez l'enfant, Les
Editions agences d'Arc Inc., Ottawa, 1990, in Philosopher (Quebec), no. 12,
1992, pp. 237-247.

Chion-Kenney, Linda: "Schools of Thought: Innovative Approaches to learning",
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Revolutionary World: an International Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 26 (1978), pp.

Daniel, Marie-France: "La Philosophie et les Enfants", (Montreal: Les Editions
Logiques, 1992) 377 pp.

Daniel, Marie-France: review of Louise Marcil-Lacoste (Ed.) La philosophie pour
enfants - L'experience Lipman", (Quebec) Les editions Le Griffon d'argile, 1990,
in Philopher (Quebec), no. 12, 1992, pp. 231-236.

de Moura, Zaza Carneiro: "A 'comunidade de investigacao' ne sala de aula," CTS:
Revista de ciencia technologica e sociedade, October-December, 1989, pp. 86-91

de Moura, Zaza Carneiro: "Aprender a pensar melhor," _cultura," 7 Feb. 1988, pp.

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proposia de ensino," Filosofia, Vol. 2, No 1, Sprlng, 1988, pp. 202-206

de Moura, Zaza Carneiro: "Philosophy for Children and the Opportunity for
Thinking in Education: An Interview with Matthew Lipman," Teaching Thinking and
Problem Solving, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 1992, pp. 1, 3-7.

DePalma, Anthony: "Giving Soviets a Lesson in Thinking," The New York Times
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Section 4A, January 6, 1991, pp. 24-25

Derrico, Patricia: "Learning to Think with Philosophy for Children," Educational
Leadership, Vol. 45, No. 7, April 1988, p. 34.

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Laval, Vol. 23, No. 32, 21 april 1988

Donaghy, Brian: "U. S. course gives school children a head start on philosophy,"
The Advertiser, July 20, 1989, p. 5 (Adelaide, Australia)

Donnelly, Joe, "Turning pupils into philosophers," Bergen Record, March 14, 1979
Hechinger, Fred M., "A booster shot for the three R's," New York Times, Feb. 27,

Duska, Ron: "Public Issues Forum Has a Successful Year," The Greater
Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium Quarterly, Fall, 1990, p. 6


Editorial, "FiloJofsr desde a infancia," O Estado de Sao Paulo, 6 hO/85.

Editorial, "The stolen lipstick," The Boston Globe, Jan. 28, 1981

Ehlert, Bob:  "Philosophy for Children," Minneapolis Star and Tribune, 1986

"Eine Animation fur die Kinder," Sud-Ost Tagespost, 26 Mai 1983 (Austria)
Elder, Janet: "A learned response," The New York Times, Education Life, Section
4A, January 6, 1991, p. 23

Epstein, Joyce L. and Karen Clark Salinas, Promising Programs in Major Academic
subjects in the Middle Grades,(Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University, May,
1990, p. 36.

Erickson, Mary: "Teaching Aesthetics K-12" in Stephen Mark Dobbs (Ed.), Research
Readings for Discipline-Based Art Education: A Journey Beyond Creating (Reston,
Va.: National Art Education Association), 1988, pp. 148-161


Feldman, Paul, "A new school of philosophy," Hackensack Record, Nov. 21, 1982

"Filosofar desde a infancia," editorial, O estado de Sao Paulo, June 10, 1985

"Filosofia para criancas," Revista de Educacao, No. 3, Vol 1, Spring, 1989, pp.
12-29, articles by Matthew Lipman and Zaza Carneiro de Moura, and an interview
with Ann iMargaret Sharp (Portugal)

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Conference on Informal logic and Critical Thinking, (University of East Anglia,

Fisher, Alec: "Philosophy and transferable thinking skills COGITO (England),
Summer, 1990, pp. 123-128

Fisher, Robert: "Teaching Children to Think (Oxford, England, Basil Blackwell,
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Fox, Michael "Philosophy for Children," Queens Quarterly (Canada), Vol. 88, No.
2, 19

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Gallo, Vicki A.,  Review of Philosophy in the Classroom, NASSP Bulletin, Sept.
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Gniewek, Mary, "Taking on Aristotle: middle school students ponder philosophy,"
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Grosjean, Marie-Pierre: "L'Ethique au jardin de Camille," Ethica (Quebec), Vol.
5, No. 1 (1993), 67-86.

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-Kinderphilosophie dem Kind?" Zeitschrift fur Didaktik der Philosophie, Heft
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No. 4, p. 10, p. 16

Hare, William: "Reading the Apology in school," Classical World, 80, 1986, pp.

Haynes, John B.: "Philosophy for children and the critical thinking movement,"
PROC. S. ATL. PHIL ED SOC., 31, 1986, pp. 20-23

ACTIVITEIT (Enschede, Netherlands: Instituut voor Leerplanontwikkeling, 1990)
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Hendrie, Carolins: "Think! Educators stress it's not what kids know, but how
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Hinds, Diana: "Philosophy gives a lesson a new meaning", The Independent (U. K.)
Monday, 28 June 1993

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(Catalonia), 21 July 1991

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27, 1987

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Menesinis Pedagogikos ir teodikos zurnalas, 1994, No. 6 (577), pp. 15-1

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Children Programme and Religious educa (M. Phil. Thesis, Cheltenham and
Gloucester College of Education, U.K., September, 1992) unpublished

Jenkins, T. J. O.: "Philosophy for Children", Values (U.K.), Vol. 2, No. 3,

Jenkins, T. J. O.: "Philosophy for Children," Values, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 13-15,

Jerdonek, Claire A., "A Reasoning-for-Children Program," Journal of Creative
Behavior, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 119-123

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2, pp. 10-11.

Johnson, Tony W.: "Philosophy for Children and its Critics - Going beyond the
information Given," Educational Theory, Winter, 1987, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 61-6

Jonathan, Ruth and Nigel Blake, "Philosophy in Schools: a request for
clarification, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1988, pp.

Jonathan, Ruth: Review of Matthew Lipman, Philosophy Goes to School, in COGITO,
Vol. 3, No. 3, 1989, pp. 263-264

Jones, Susan: "Self-Esteem, Collaborative Learning, and Lipman's Philosophy for
Children Programme," Links, Vol. 13, No. 2, Spring, 1988, pp. 33-36.

Jones, Susan: "The collaborative approach in Health Education and Training",The
Journal of the Institute of Health Education, 1988, 26, 4; 153-160.

Jones, Susan: "The Human Factor", (London: Kogan Page Ltd., 1992)

Jordan, Shannon, review of Philosophy in the Classroom, 1st ed., APA Proceedings
Vol. 51, No. 1, Nov. 1977

Josep-Maria Terricabras, "Filosofia i educacio," Dialeg, 13 June 1991. "Un grup
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Imma Merino in El Punt (Girona, Catalonia) 8 June 1991.

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Katzner, Louis I.: review of Harry Prime, Teaching Philosophy, March, 1988, pp.

Kauder, Peter: Review of Hans-Ludwig Freese, KINDER SIND PHILOSOPHEN, in

Kennedy, David: "Matthew Lipman and Philosophy for Children," Educational
Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, Spring, 1989, pp. 8-16.

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Kiester Jr., Edwin and Sally Valente Kiester, "How to teach your child to
think", Reader's Digest , June, 1991, pp. 1

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(Austria) 4/91, pp, 8-9

King, Lean and Rita King, "Tactics for Thinking in Action," Ibid., pp. 42-45

King, Mary Jane: "Students use socratic method to investigate value systems,"
Virginia Journal of Education, June, 1990, pp. 20-21

Kitchener, Richard F.: "Do Childrsn think Philosophically? Metaphilosophy, Vol.
21, No. 4, Oct. 1990, pp. 416-431

Kober, Nancy: "What critical thinking approach is best?" The School
Admininstrator, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 1991, pp. 14-17

Korster, Detlef: "Auf de Spuren Sokrates', Theorie und Praxis, Eine
Schriftenreihe aus dem Fachbereich Erzeiungswissenschaften I der Universitat
Hannover, herausgegeben von Manfred Bonsch, Band 35, (Hannover: Frau Schacht,

Kuhmerker, Lisa:  Review of Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery, Cutting Edge,
Summer, 1975

Kumpers, Izabel dos Santos: "E de pequeno que se aprende a filosofar," Claudia
(Brazil), Jan. 1986, pp. 167-168.

Lamh, Barbara, "Will London be the thinking child's second. city?" The Standard,
(London), March 22, 1984

Lamy, Jean-Maurice: "Formation logique et stimulation verbale chez l'enfant,"
Bulletin de la Societe de philosophie de Quebec, XII, 2, April, 1986, pp. 88

Lamy, Jean-Maurice: "Lipman au college," Philosopher, 8, 1989, pp. 203-210

Lane, N.R. and S.A Lane. "Rationality, Self-esteem and Autonomy trhough
Collaborative Enquiry," Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 20, No 1, 1986, pp.
22-23 .

Last, Jane, "I think, therefore I add," The Times Educational Supplement, June
15 1984

Lebuis, Pierre and Michael Schleifer, "Education morale, formatlon fondamentale
et philosophie", Arrimages 7/8, Winter, 1991, pp. 9-16. (Quebec)

Lebuis, Pierre: "Apprentissage philosophique et formation morale chez les
enfants," Bulletin de la societe du Quebec, XII, 2, April, 1986, pp. .89-98

Lebuis, Pierre: "Formation du personnel enseignant a une pratique educative
reflexive," Arrimages, 7/8, Winter 1991, pp. 24-28.

Lebuis, Pierre: "La philosophie a l'ecole primaire," Interface, March-april,
1989, pp. 23-29. (Quebec)

Leonard Harris (Ed.), Children in Chaos: A "Philosophy for Children" Experience
(Dubuque; Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1991), with an essay by Matthew Lipman, "Can
Education Counter Chaos?", pp. xv-xxvi.

Levinson, Arlene, "Can Children Be Taught to Think?" The Sydney Morning herald,
Nov. 8, 1981

Lindop, Clive: "Critical thinking and philosophy for children," COGITO, (Great
Britain), Vol. 4, Nol, 1990, pp. 50-54

Lindop (Ed.), Clive: "Critical and Creative Thinking: The Australaian Journal of
Philosophy  for Children, Vol. 1, No 2, Oct., 1993; articles by Phil Guin,  Mat
Lipman, Ron Reed, Helmut Shreier, Klaus Doderer, Jen Glaser, Martyn  Maher,

   Lyn English, David Inverarity and Laurance Splitter.

Lipman, Matthew, Ann Margaret Sharp and Frederick S. Oscanyan, Filosofia a
L'escola (Barcelona, Spain: IREF, 1991) translated by Eulalia Presas i Plana,
307 pp.

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Lipman, Matthew: "Promoting better Classroom Teaching," in Educational
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pp. 291-304

Lore, Diane: "Students at Greenview Elementary take philosophical plunge," The
State (Columbia, South Carolina), February 6, 1989, p. 4

Losito, Wm. F., review of Lipman and Sharp's growing up with Philosophy, Phi
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Louis, Sylvie: "La philosophie a la maternelle," L'actualite, April 1, 1990, pp.
77-78 a b c d e f g h i j k l    (m-z)