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DragonBall Z Battle Guide > Fights

| Saiyan Saga Fights | Frieza Saga Fights | Garlic Jr Fights |
| Trunks and Android Saga Fights |

Here you will find a list of every fight in DBZ, up to where I have seen. There is a brief description with each one, so you know what happened. It is all in chronological order.

Saiyan Saga

1. Raditz vs. Farmer
Raditz got out of his pod, and was threatened by a farmer with a shotgun. The Saiyan made short work of the weakling, killing him with one attack.

2. Raditz vs. Piccolo
This was hardly a fight, but merely Piccolo attacking Raditz. The Saiyan was about to destroy the Namek when his scouter located Goku, so he flew off to find his brother.

3. Raditz vs. Goku
Again, not essentially a fight, Raditz simply kneed Goku in the stomach, and gave him some tasks to do, then kidnapped Gohan.

4. Raditz vs. Goku and Piccolo
This went on for a short while, with Goku and Piccolo getting beaten up, but continuing to fight, even though things looked bleak. Goku wound up on the floor, nearing unconsciousness, and Piccolo was left helplessly charging up an attack. Raditz trod on Goku, and began crushing his ribs.

5. Gohan vs. Raditz
When Gohan heard his fathers cries, he burst out of his pod, and headbutted Raditz right in the ribs. This hurt the Saiyan, and with one firm swipe, he knocked the kid out, surprised at how easy it was to defeat his nephew. He then turned to Piccolo to finish him off

6. Raditz vs. Goku and Piccolo
Goku managed to get up off the floor, and grabbed Raditz in a full nelson, holding him still, so that he couldn't escape. Piccolo finished charging up his beam, and shot it at Goku's brother, with the beam ripping right through the chest of both Saiyans, killing them both. Goku's noble sacrifice saved the Earth.

7. Raditz vs. Enma
Little is known of this fight, seeing how we only heard Enma talking about it, but from what I can gather, Raditz put up a fight before he was sent to hell, and decided to fight King Enma, losing miserably.

8. Gohan vs. T-Rex
This happens when Piccolo made Gohan train in the wilderness, to learn survival skills. Gohan was chased by a T-Rex, and bullied by it for a while, until he grew stronger, and brave enough to fight back. Throughout the time he was there from then on, he chopped bits off the fleeing T-Rex's tail, to teach it a lesson, and tio get some tasty dinner.

9. Oozaru Gohan vs. Piccolo
When Piccolo returned to train Gohan, he noticed that Gohan looked up at the moon. He was powerless to stop the rampage of Gohan in his confused Oozaru state, and ended up destroying the moon.

They fought a second time when a hologram was created from out of an old Saiyan pod, creating the exact illusion of the moon. Gohan turned Oozaru again, and created turmoil for a while until Piccolo located the source of the fake moon, and destroyed it. After both times, he pulled off Gohan's tail, only to have it grow back.

10. Piccolo vs. Gohan
Whilst training the young Saiyan, Piccolo did some basic combat sessions with him, where they fought against each other. Piccolo easily won every time, although he was impressed at the kids obvious strength, which constantly increased throughout the course of the time spent in the wilderness.

11. Goku vs. Ogre
Goku fell off Snake Way, and was forced to fight an Ogre in a wrestling match. To win, he had to get his opponent out of a circle. The Ogre started things off by pushing the Saiyan to the edge, but then Goku pushed him away, and created a gust of wind by punching the air ridiculously fast, knocking the Ogre over the line.

12. Goku vs. Giant Snake
As Goku neared the end of Snake Way, he went into a palace to eat. Here he was greeted by a princess, and treated like a king, until he decided he had to go. The occupants of the palace didn't like this, and turned nasty on the Saiyan, revealing the truth - That the palace was actually a giant snake, and Goku was inside of it. He escaped, and managed to use his silky flying skills to make the snake tangle itself up, and become harmless.

13. Goku vs. Gregory
During the time at King Kai's, Goku had to hit a cricket named Gregory on the head with a giant sledgehammer. Whilst this may not essentially be a fight, harmful contact was made, so I class it as one. After destroying the whole planet, Goku eventually got a hit on Gregory, albeit light, but causing a huge lump none the less.

14. Tien vs. Saibaman
The first of the fights against the Saiyans Vegeta and Nappa begins with Tien taking on a small green alien called a Saibaman. Nappa planted six of these in the Earth, and they all grew immediately into warriors. Each had the power level of Raditz, and should have been worthy opposition. Tien proved his superiority by easily defeating his opponent.

15. Yamcha vs. Saibaman
The fight started as Yamcha stepped forward, deciding to take his turn to fight before Krillen. He fought valiantly, and eventually defeated his opponent with a powerful attack. Thinking the Saibaman was dead, Yamcha turned to the rest of them, and challenged them all. Meanwhile, the one that the 'Desert Bandit' beat up isn't really dead, and is getting up, behind Yamcha. Suddenly it dived onto him, taking him completely by surprise, and clinged on tight. Yamcha couldn't escape, and the Saibaman self-destructed dishonorably, killing them both like a coward.

16. Krillen vs. Saibamen
Stepping forward, Krillen decides on doing what Yamcha was going to before he died, and takes on all four of the remaining Saibamen. He unleashes an awesome blast which kills all of them outright, except for one, that escaped somehow. When the smoke clears, Krillen sees the damage he caused, although the two Saiyans who were caught in the blast, don't even bear a scratch.

17. Piccolo vs. Saibaman
The remaining little green man tries to jump Gohan, but just as he swings for the kid, his arm his caught by Piccolo. The Namek then throws him directly up into the air, and blasts him with a breath blast, disintegrating him immediately, and killing him outright.

18. Tien vs. Nappa
Tien basically gets kicked around the floor for a while, until the fight is intervened, and Chao-zu steps in, despite Tien begging him to back off. Tien loses an arm in the short time that he and Nappa collide.

19. Chao-zu vs. Nappa
The little guy clings to Nappa's back in an effort to save Tien, and prepares to self-destruct, trying to destroy the Saiyan once and for all. His effort is in vain though, as he dies, but Nappa walks off unharmed.
20. Gohan, Krillen, and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Seeing the big guy distracted, Piccolo formulates a plan. He and Krillen catch Nappa unaware, and hit him with strong attacks, managing to send him soaring through the air, and setting him up for Gohan to blast him. The kid is too scared though, so Krillen and Piccolo blast him instead, narrowly missing. Nappa turns to them, and allows Tien an opportunity to attack.

21. Tien vs. Nappa
Tien manages to get up upon seeing his best friend die, and is absolutely irate. He uses the Kikouhou technique on the huge Saiyan, over and over again, sucking his own life force from him each time, and barely even harming Nappa. Eventually he uses it to such an extent that all his energy is vanquished, and he dies, leaving Nappa to fight the remaining members of the Earths special forces.

22. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillen vs. Nappa
Piccolo comes up with another plan, where Gohan had to finish Nappa off again. The kid tells him he'll do better this time, and prepares to fulfill his role. Krillen powers up, directly in front of Nappa, and distracting his attention. Piccolo then soars behind Nappa, and grabs his tail, expecting it to be a weakness. Gohan gets ready to blast the Saiyan, but Nappa drops an elbow on Piccolo's head, hurting him badly. Gohan and Krillen then realize that the plan will no longer work, and that the Saiyan has won the fight once again.

23. Krillen and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Nappa turns to Gohan to attack him, but Krillen steps in, and throws a destructo disc at the big guy, with Nappa narrowly dodging the attack, cutting his cheek. He steps forward to attack the midget, when Piccolo gets up, and fires a blast at Nappa's back, annoying the Saiyan greatly, but hardly hurting him at all. Nappa continued to fight, not even bothered by the blow.

24. Gohan and Piccolo vs. Nappa
Gohan tells everyone to go while he holds them up for his dad, getting a sudden rush of bravery. Everyone refuses to leave him though, but Nappa hears this, and runs to attack the kid. Gohan stands his ground, but is paralyzed with fear when the Saiyan fires a humongous blast at him, capable of destroying even the toughest warriors. It is coming to fast to avoid, and it looks like death for Gohan, when suddenly Piccolo dives in the way, and intercepts the beam, getting fried, and consequentially killed by it. Gohan remained unharmed though, and Nappa is slightly miffed that he missed the kid.

25. Gohan vs. Nappa
Furious at the death of his best friend, Gohan launches a huge masenko energy beam at Nappa, with the Saiyan easily swatting it away. It seemed to have hurt his hand slightly, but other than that, Nappa is fine. Gohan can't believe the strength of his opponent. Nappa charges in, but misses Gohan somehow. He looks over, and sees that Gohan in on a small, flying cloud. It's nimbus, which means that Goku is back!

26.Goku vs. Nappa
Goku fights vengefully, trying to gain reconciliation for his friends. He easily beats Nappa, but spares him, and decides that he isn't even worth bothering with. When Goku let Nappa go however, the Saiyan charged towards Krillen and Gohan hastily, in an effort to kill them to get at Goku, who is obviously to strong for him to beat. Goku catches up using the kai-o-ken technique though, and injures Nappa badly, but doesn't kill him. He throws him to the feet of Vegeta sparingly, saying that the Saiyan will be ok with a bit of medical help.

27. Vegeta vs. Nappa
Mercilessly, Vegeta grabs his defeated partner, throws him into the air, then releases a huge blast that kills Nappa immediately. Goku can't believe that the Saiyan has killed his own friend, and teammate.

28. Goku vs. Vegeta
After a fair bit of hand-to-hand where neither man could gain much of an advantage, Goku used some kai-o-ken attacks, giving him the distinct upper-hand in the proceedings. Vegeta realized that he couldn't win, so he tried to destroy the Earth. Cunningly, Goku saw this coming, and countered it with a KameHameHa, accompanied by a kai-o-ken times 4. Vegeta's blast was nullified, and he was shot high into the sky, narrowly getting off the beam before exiting the Earth's atmosphere, covered in pain.

29. Oozaru Vegeta vs. Goku
Vegeta lands, then throws a fake moon into the air, warning Goku that the fight was about to end. He looked up at it, and underwent a transformation, just like the one Gohan had gone through before. After messing around a little, toying with Goku, Vegeta trod on the Saiyan, but was blasted in the eye for his troubles. Angered by this, Vegeta began crushing Goku in one hand.

30. Krillen vs. Oozaru Vegeta
The bald midget arrived just as Goku was about to die, so he threw a destructo disc at Vegeta's tail, knowing that if his tail goes, then Vegeta will go back to normal. Somehow Vegeta avoided the attack though, and merely ignored the Earthlings whilst they tried to formulate a plan, knowing that they couldn't even hurt Vegeta now that his strength had increased so drastically.

31. Oozaru Vegeta vs. Yajirobe
Ignoring the Earthlings was a mistake Vegeta lived to regret. One that he didn't even know about soared out of the shadows, and sliced his tail clean off with use of a sword. Vegeta screamed in anger, and slowly shrank back down to his normal form, dropping Goku onto the floor, with him hitting home with a hard thud, but still clinging onto his life all the same.

32. Vegeta vs. Gohan Vegeta managed to anger Gohan enough so that the kid attacked him. The two matched each other punch to punch, with the weakened Vegeta unable to defeat Gohan, and likewise the other way round.

33. Goku, Krillen, and Gohan vs. Vegeta
Goku gives Krillen some energy that he formed for the spirit bomb beforehand, and tells him to throw it at Vegeta when the time was right. Krillen takes it, and after a short while, he throws it, but somehow Vegeta knew it was coming, and dodged it, leaving Gohan to take the attack. Goku telepathically told him to bounce it back at Vegeta though, as it will only hurt those with impure hearts. Gohan does so obediently, and knocks Vegeta flying into the air.

34. Vegeta vs. Gohan
Vegeta lands on the floor with a thud, after managing to get off the energy balls beam, and is irate. He angrily hits Gohan to the floor, and walks towards him to finish him off. He notices the tail, and is ready to pull it off before he sees the moon, when he senses the power that cut off his tail looming behind him.

35. Vegeta vs. Yajirobe
Vegeta turns to see Yajirobe cowering, and makes him pay for cutting off his tail. Vegeta beats the fat man across the floor, hitting him into the side of a rocky cliff face, and making him become submerged with rock. He then suddenly remembers about Gohan, as Goku tells him to look up at the moon.

36. Oozaru Gohan vs. Vegeta
Gohan looks up at the moon, and Vegeta is too late to pull his tail off. He transforms, and beats the Saiyan up a little, although he can't quite finish him off. Vegeta managed to throw a cutting disc similar to Krillen's at Gohan's tail, cutting it clean off. Gohan falls to the floor, landing on top of the Saiyan prince. He transforms back to his normal state, his tail now permanently gone, and Vegeta defeated.

37. Krillen vs. Vegeta
This isn't really a fight, as no punches are thrown, but Krillen hovers over Vegeta with Yajirobe's sword in hand, ready to finish the Saiyan off for good. Goku tells him to spare him though, and Krillen does so obediently, allowing the beaten Vegeta to escape from Earth

| Saiyan Saga Fights | Frieza Saga Fights | Garlic Jr Fights |
| Trunks and Android Saga Fights |

Submited By: Final Dragon

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