Columbian Tragedy
To all the NASA team
I would like to dedicate this page to the Columbian team for their bravery and I give my regards to their families.  May they rest in peace.  I wish there families the best and that they will have nothing but joy for the rest of their days.  May God watch over them and give them nothing but prosperity and joy.  I am so that this had to happen and I hope that God will watch over them in their time of need while our country is in shock over this tragedy.
Columbian Team
On February 1ST of 2003 the Columbian space shuttle was to land back on earth when disaster struck.  When they were on their way back into the atmosphere they had trouble with the right wing.  That had caused a chain reaction make the ship burst into flames. All crew memebers died on that fateful day.  They are still trying to find more evidence on why it exploded.