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Name :   John Davis,Jr.
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Comment :   I just want to comment on this game.I think its one of the best RPGs made.
Name :   John Davis,Jr.
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Comment :   I just want to comment on this game.I think its one of the best RPGs made.
Name :   Samantha Davis
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Comment :   I like this game the most of any next to Final Fantasy 8
Name :   Sam Christine Davis
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Comment :   I like this game more than FF8.
Name :   muhammad razlie
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Comment :   final fantasy rules!
Name :   dragondoran
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Comment :   fair play to ya, an excekkebt site 4 1 of my favourite games
Name :   Dan
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Comment :   Your site is small, but it has good potential to be a good site. If you get the chance, email me when you do the side quests.
Name :   ladys man
E-Mail (Optional) :   only girls may know it
Comment :   Final Fantasy is the best game.
Name :   Dan
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Comment :   I think it is one of the pimpest games made.(girls call me all the time).
Name :   John Davis Jr.
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Comment :   Dan,e-mail me so we can talk about final fantasy and stuff.
Name :   Squall
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Comment :   FFVII rules, but 8 is still good!!!
Name :   guianne mojica
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Comment :   for me its the best game ever
Name :   Samo (f)
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Comment :   FF7 RULEZ MY WORLD!!!!
Name :   dan
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Comment :   can you include info on the location of Knights of the Round?
Name :   Rick
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Comment :   I'll put up the info for Knights of the Round in the side quests area, which I'll write after the main walkthrough. Thanks for being patient everyone.
Name :   Regan
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Comment :   Final Fantasy is my favourate game. I have played and completed it about ten times, you may think I am sad but I like it. I think your site is good and I will look foward to seeing more of it.
Name :   loserkid
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Comment :   hey dude, great site!!! it really helped me out to beat the game.
Name :   julian bollinger
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Comment :   that was heaps of help but i want to know what to do when clouds in the clinic in disc2 how do i get him back!!! email me!!!!
Name :   John Davis,Jr.
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Comment :   Julian,I will try and help you on this problem of yours on disc 2 of FF7.
Name :   Fantasy Cloud
E-Mail (Optional) :   forgot
Comment :   where is the other walkthrough
Name :   Sean
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Comment :   I really like this site the walkthrough is helpful.
Name :   Nige
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Comment :   Final fantasy 7 is the best game ever created for the playstation
Name :   josh
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Comment :   its ok for begginers i read the hole thing and i liked it helped me out alot so thanks for makin peace out
Name :   Neggy Morgan
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Comment :   this is such a cool site well set out top marks buddy
Name :   Ryan
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Comment :   Your walkthrough is very easy to understand and very helpfull!
Name :   Tom Loman
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Comment :   Looks good so far. Keep up the good work and you have not left out any key info!
Name :   Adam Lewis
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Comment :   You picked the best game to do your site on.
Name :   Joseph
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Comment :   Great site
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Comment :   hmmmmmmmm not much of a guide unless ur a beginner wheres it tell u how 2 beat emarald and ruby tut tut plz improve
Name :   Chris
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Comment :   i think, even if your guide is incomplete so far,that this guide really pin points all the aspects of the game so far and is not to complicated for beginners to understand.Keep up the good work!
Name :   Kenny
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Comment :   hey thanx for the hints i hope they help
Name :   ???
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Comment :   This is a great site!
Name :   Roland Meier
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Comment :   I liked the guide but i wished that you gave more hints on how to get more GP on the game
Name :   Sheldon Stokes
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Comment :   Im a final fantasy fanatic!!!!!! Cloud is cool!!! Squall is Tough!!!! and Zidane is awesome!!!!
Name :   Anthony Manza
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Comment :   hi Rick i really like your site it helped me out alot while playing final fantasy 7. p.s do you have to go back to the golden saucer to get the keystonefrom Dio Can you email me back with the answer?
Name :   Bob Carpenter
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Comment :   How do you get past the booby traps in ancient ruins?
Name :   DanielAbbott
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Comment :   Your websight is great,its realy helpfull. Please can u e-mail me if u know what level i can beat Shiza(the one with 2 heads. D.Abbott
Name :   gonja toker
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Comment :   this site blows!
Name :   Rick
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Comment :   I'll put up some hints for Getting GP in the side quest section wich I will put up after the walkthrough.
Name :   jeremy
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Comment :   nice site
Name :   Rick
E-Mail (Optional) :   READ THIS!!!!
Comment :   For some reason, no matter what I do I can't update this page, so if you want the second part of the guide, check out Just Copy and paste the adress.
Name :   Rick
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Comment :   Ok, the whole site (Both parts) is now fully functional. thanks for your patience.
Name :   Dan
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Comment :   i think your doing pretty good keep on updating and i think when your done with the site it will be great
Name :   Xelad
E-Mail (Optional) :   nONE
Comment :   I think this site is good but you sould put a link to this site of part two and if you like my site at WWW.GEOCITIES.COM/SDEZY .
Name :   MICHAEL
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Name :   michael
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Comment :   can you send me info on the the jonva cell in mt nibel and how to destroy it and the real sephroith.
Name :   DanielAbbott
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Comment :   Thanx for your help.I cant wait untill u update your site.
Name :   Jeff
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Comment :   Your site is really great.
Name :   bonjovi
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Comment :   helped me alot
Name :   Jordan .K.
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Comment :   You are so smart. Thanks for the help!
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