Sharing Elise

Whenever I need a sweet release
I only need think of my Elise
Although she’s only mine on lease
Elise with the raven hair

And though she’s only mine on lease
I cherish my moments with Elise
At times our pleasures never cease
Elise with the childlike air

The times when our pleasures never cease
I’m so enraptured with my Elise
But some days she’s hostile and I’ve no peace
Elise seems not to care

Those days she’s hostile and I’ve no peace
I bemoan the other love of Elise
The one who makes her happiness increase
Elise whom I have to share

The one who makes her happiness increase
Feels no threat by my time with Elise
And so when I too need sweet release
And times our pleasures never cease
Though some days she’s hostile and I’ve no peace
Elise is my soul’s repair

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