
On 4.3.1940 Soviet troops surprisingly advanced over the frozen Bay of Viborg and attacked against Finnish coastal defences on the south-west coast of the bay. Weak very badly equipped Finnish units fighting without field artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-tank support could not repulse Soviet attack and enemy troops rather easily managed to reach the coast and cut the old Helsinki - Viipuri [Viborg] main road. The first anti-tank units arrived on 9.3.1940. Anti-Tank Platoon Huttunen (Lt. Huttunen) (2 guns) operated at Häränpäänniemi, Anti-Tank Platoon Laiho (4 guns) at Vilajoki and Anti-Tank Platoon Kiviniemi (4 guns) was initially in reserve and since 10.3.1940 in action at Suurpäälä. I have not managed to find out the type of AT guns.

When all field artillery units were needed in Karelian Isthmus and north from Lake Ladoga Finnish Supreme HQ began forming "emergency artillery units" - separate batteries and sections - equipped with light obsolete guns without recoil system. Personnel consisted of hastily trained over-aged reservists, under-aged Civil Guard volunteers, conscripts and trained coastal artillery men from the lost coastal forts. Most formed units, named only after their commander or chief, belonged to Coastal Artillery and supported fixed coastal artillery.

Because these units usually didn't have own vehicles for towing guns and for supply they suffered also losses. They although didn't have to meet the elsewhere common lack of ammunition but dud shots were very common due to over-aged ammunition and initial lack of fuses (arrived on 6.3.1940). Eventually most units acted more effectively than had been thought. Guns even repulsed strong Soviet tank attacks destroying several tanks aiming directly through the open gun barrel because many guns lacked aiming devices or no-one could use them.

These units were the origin of the later Fortress Artillery units and Field Batteries of the coastal defence.

Despite of minor conflicts between sources at least the following units were formed for the defence at Bay of Viborg during February and March 1940:


Finnish Name (and Abbreviation)
(Name in English),
Notes, Location
pcs - model
1. Erillinen liikkuva patteri (1.Er.Liik.Ptri)
(1st Separate Movable Battery)
Piisaari, 24.2.40- Turkinsaari, ?- ?
Also known as Patteri [Battery] Huovilainen.

2. Erillinen liikkuva patteri (2.Er.Liik.Ptri)
(2nd Separate Movable Battery)
Piisaari, 23.2.40- Maisala - Köri line,
28.2.40- Teikari, 1.3.40- Nisalahti

Also known as Patteri [Battery] Louhivuori.

Jaos Cederberg (Section Cederberg)
Lt.(Res.) Cederberg
Vilajoki, Pitkäniemi

Osasto Miettinen (Os.M) Vilaniemi
(Detachment Miettinen)
Capt. M. Miettinen
Strength about 600 men.

I Patteristo / Osasto Mietinen (I Psto/Os.M)
(I Artillery Battalion / Detachment Miettinen)
Capt. M. Miettinen

Patteri Näräkkä (Battery Näräkkä) * Muhuniemi

Patteri Veranen (Battery Veranen) Vilaniemi

Patteri Kujala (Battery Kujala) Karjaniemi
2Lt. A. Kujala

Patteristo Laaksonen Häränpäänniemi
(Artillery Battalion Laaksonen)
Lt. E. Laaksonen
Strength about 200 men.

Patteri Laaksonen (Battery Laaksonen) *
Lt. E. Laaksonen (-13.3.1940) Muhuniemi

Patteri Rautanen (Battery Rautanen) Muhuniemi

Patteri Huovilainen (Battery Huovilainen) Suurpäälä

Patteri Pohjanvirta (Battery Pohjanvirta) Suurpäälä
2Lt. Y. Pohjanvirta

4 - 87 K/95

4 - 87 K/95

2 - 87 K/95



4 - 107 K/77

4 - 107 K/77

4 - 107 K/77


5 - 90 K/77

4 - 90 K/77

4 - 90 K/77

4 - 90 K/77

Formed on 20.2.1940 by Johannes Civil
. At Bay of Viborg since 1.3.1940
with Infantry Regiment 12 (JR 12).

Formed on 20.2.1940 by Koivisto Civil
. At Bay of Viborg since 1.3.1940
with Infantry Regiment 12 (JR 12) /

Arrived to Bay of Viborg on 24.2.1940
from Sommarö / Vaasa Sector. Lost its
guns temporarily on 4.3.1940.

Formed on 23.2.1940 from the personnel
of former Saarenpää Fort. Also known as
Artillery Battalion (later Detachment)
*. Acted initially in infantry role.

Formed on 4.3.1940.

Arrived on 6.3.1940. Fifth gun possible?

Arrived on 3.3.1940. Lost its guns on 6.3.

Arrived on 3.3.1940. Lost its guns on 6.3.

Formed officially on 13.3.1940 from
the personnel of former Tiurinsaari Fort.
Also known as II Artillery Battalion /
Detachment Miettinen
(II Psto/Os.M).

Formed on 23.2.1940 from the personnel
of former Tiurinsaari Fort. Acted also in
infantry role as Detachment Laaksonen
(Os.L). Equipped on 7.3.1940.

Former Battery Laaksonen re-named on

Arrived on 13.3.1940.

Arrived on 13.3.1940.

Other Known Temporary Artillery Units at
Bay of Viborg:

Jaos Risku (Section Risku)

Patteri Heimo (Battery Heimo)

Patteri Laine (Battery Laine)

Un-named battery


2 - 87 K/95



5 - 90 K/77

Some of these units were probably
equipped with fixed light coastal guns.

Could be part of some unit mentioned above.



Could be one of the batteries mentioned

- Most 107 K/77 cannons were operational since 6.3. (or 7.3.1940) when they received the lacked fuses.
- 90 K/77 de Bange cannons were not fully combat-ready until on 13.3.1940 (guns were incomplete).
* Battery Näräkkä and Battery Laaksonen belonged initially "loosely" to Detachment Miettinen
(which was also called Artillery Battalion Miettinen with two batteries) until Artillery Battalion Laaksonen
was under forming on 11.3.1940. It is unclear if Battery Näräkkä used other guns before it was equipped
with 107 K/77 guns.



© 2003 - 31.7.2004 Harri Anttonen