
Fortress Artillery Units

Fortress Artillery was organized in Finland in a similar way to field artillery but equipped with older usuallly heavy guns (cannons) without recoil system or with secondary light or heavy artillery pieces. Fortress artillery units had less and older personnel than field artillery units although their equipment would have actually needed more men. Gun crews' artillery training was initially weak but using competent artillery NCOs and officers this problem was although solved quite soon.

Fortress Artillery was very similar to movable Coastal Artillery. First fortress artillery units were formed after Winter War for the new Finnish defence line "Salpa" [bolt] mainly from the former units of coastal defence, for example the Sea Defence of Lake Ladoga. Units were usually fixed and had additionally lots of evacuated naval or coastal artillery guns of various calibres but before the Continuaton War Fortress Artillery was although prepared for moving warfare.

Later in the summer 1944 many artillery units lost their weapons and were hastily re-equipped even with light guns. Guns were usually shot as long as possible and they were not abandoned until they ran out of ammo or advancing enemy attacked them.

The basic unit of the Finnish Fortress Artillery was one to eight gun Fortress Battery (Linnoituspatteri, Lin.Ptri) which consisted of one to four Sections (Jaos) of one or two guns each. Typical battery consisted ot two sections of two guns just like ordinary field artillery battery. Independent Fortress Artillery Battalion (Linnoituspatteristo, Lin.Psto) had two to four fortress batteries but usually three.

Fortress artillery batteries and battalions could be assigned to divisional artillery under the command of division's Artillery Commander or to Artillery Group. In conquered Soviet East Karelia fortress artillery was subordinated to special fortress artillery groups called Maaselkä Fortress Artillery [Maaselän linnoitustykistö, Maa.Lin.Tyk.] and River Svir Fortress Artillery [Syvärin linnoitustykistö, Syv.Lin.Tyk.] which even had their own special emblems. They were directly under the command of artillery commanders of the Maaselkä and Olonets Groups.

Fortress Artillery Pieces

Fortress batteries were to be equipped with heavy ex-Russian or ex-French de Bange cannons without recoil system (107, 120, 152 or 155 mm) for which there were large stocks of rather good ammunition. Also light de Bange cannons (80 or 90 mm) were used and two fixed fortress batteries were equipped even with old super heavy 229 mm and 279 mm coastal mortars! Most batteries "finished" newer light artillery pieces (75, 76 and 120 mm) during the war together with field batteries of coastal artillery. Starting in 1942 fortress batteries received light 122 H/10-30 and heavy 150 H/15 howitzers. In 1944 some units were re-named and became field artillery battalions.

Towing of Guns

Most fortress artillery units were practically fixed and without their own towing vehicles (tractors or trucks) or horses. Guns without recoil system were unfortunately among the heaviest of all artillery pieces used in Finland and were thus very difficult to move. Units needed constant transport assistance from field artillery units or transport formations.

Abbreviations and translations:

Lin.Ptri = Linnoituspatteri = Fortress Battery
Lin.Psto (Lt.Psto) = Linnoituspatteristo = Fortress Artillery Battalion
Maa.Lin.Psto =
Maaselän linnoituspatteristo = Maaselkä Fortress Artillery Battalion
Er.Maa.Lin.Psto = Erillinen Maaselän linnoituspatteristo = Separate Maaselkä Fortress Artillery Battalion
Syv.Lin.Psto =
Syvärin linnoituspatteristo = River Svir Fortress Artillery Battalion
Torj.Os. =
Torjuntaosasto = Repulse Detachment
Maa.R =
Maaselän ryhmä = Maaselkä Group

Ptri = Patteri = Battery
RPr. =
Rannikkoprikaati = Coastal Brigade
Rannikkotykistörykmentti = Coastal Artillery Regiment
IV / KTR = IV (4th ) Artillery Battalion / Field Artillery Regiment
Kev.Psto =
Kevyt patteristo = Light Artillery Battalion
Kar.A =
Karjalan armeija = Karelian Army
Er. =
erillinen = separate


Fortress Artillery Battalions

Fortress Artillery Battalion
Fortress Battery, Notes
Gun Models Used
pcs - gun model
Commander [rank and name]
Lin.Psto 1 - 3 were formed for the Karelian Isthmus and Lin.Psto 4 for the areas north from Lake Ladoga. They all except Lin.Psto 2 were suspended in October 1941. Gun crews and working guns were handed over to other Fortress and Coastal Artillery units or disbanded.
Syv.Lin.Psto 1 - 3 were formed in October 1941. Lin.Psto 2 was re-named as Syv.Lin.Psto 4 in spring 1943. Total strength at River Svir in 1944 was 16 batteries (four batteries each). Number of guns: 12 - 90 K/77, 16 - 120 K/78 and 36 - 155 K/77 (= 64 guns).
Lin.Psto 1

2.Lin.Ptri (-8.41)





8. - 12., 14. Lin.Ptri (-?.41)

Lin.Psto 2
Five batteries

Lin.Psto 3

Four batteries

Lin.Psto 4
14 batteries

Lin.Psto 5
Initially 21 batteries,
later 60. - 64.Lin.Ptri

Lin.Psto 6
(also Er.Maa.Lin.Psto
or Maa.Lin.Psto 6)
Initially 21 batteries





Lin.Psto 10
Four batteries

Lin.Psto Niemi
(Former Lin.Ptri 73.)





Lin.Psto Myntti
(Temporarily IV/KTR 14.)

74.Lin.Ptri / 1.Ptri

78.Lin.Ptri / 2.Ptri

Maa.Lin.Psto 1

1. - 4.Ptri

Maa.Lin.Psto 2

1. - 4.Ptri

Syv.Lin.Psto 1
1. - 4.Ptri

Syv.Lin.Psto 2
1. - 4.Ptri

Syv.Lin.Psto 3
(Lin.Psto Elomaa)

1. - 4.Ptri

Syv.Lin.Psto 4

31. - 36 Lin.Ptri

Torj.Os. / Syv.Lin.Psto 4

Temporarily also 75 K/97 and 76 LK/13

4 - 279 M/77

2 - 152/45 C

4 - 120 K/78

4 - 152 K/04

4 - 155 K/77

14 - 75 K/97

Temporarily also 76 LK/13 and 76 RK/27
5x 4 - 155 K/77

Temporarily also 152/45 C, 120 K/78 and 75 K/97

4x 4 - 155 K/77

90 K/77, 120 K/78, 4 - 229 M/77, 75 K/97,
1 - 105 K/36 (
or 150 H/36), 2 - 152/45 C
Altogether 55 guns.

107 K/77, 120 K/78, 155 K/77,
Temporarily also 90 K/77, 75 K/17
Altogether 82 guns.
5x 4 - 107 K/77

Temporarily also 80 K/77, 75 K/17, 76 K/00 and
76 K/36

Altogether 38 guns.

4/7 - 120 K/78 -> 4 - 120 H/10-30

3/4 - 120 K/78 -> 4 - 120 H/10-30 -> 4 - 107 K/77
-> 4 - 90 K/77 -> 4 - 120 H/10-30 -> 4 - 120 K/78

(without guns) -> 4 - 90 K/77 -> 4 - 120 K/78
-> 3 - 155 K/77
(without gun crews)

2 - 90 K/77

12 - 75 K/97


4 - 90 K/77 -> 4 - 76 K/00 -> 122 H/10-30

4 - 120 K/78 -> 122 H/10-30

3 - 155 K/77



4 - 120 K/78

4 - 120 K/78 -> (152 H/09-30) -> 75 K/01

Temporarily also 76 VK/09, 120 H/13, 150 H/15

8 - 90 K/77, 8 - 120 K/78

Temporarily also 76 VK/09, 120 H/13, 150 H/15

8 - 90 K/77, 8 - 120 K/78

90 K/77, 120 K/78, 155 K/77,
in 7.1944 also
76 LK/13

90 K/77, 120 K/78, 155 K/77,
in 7.1944 also
76 LK/13

90 K/77, 120 K/78, 155/K 77,
in 7.1944 also 76 RK/27

90 K/77, 120 K/78, 155 K/77,
in 7.1944 also 76 RK/27



Maj. M. Vanhatalo

Battery was left behind to Salpa defensive line.




Moved to Hanko Group (HR) in August 1941.

Attached to a new 10.Lin.Psto.

Maj. T. Haaranen
In autumn 1942 two batteries were attached
to Syv.Lin.Psto 1. Other batteries became
Syv.Lin Psto 4 in spring 1943.

Maj. V. Ojanne

Equipped with gun tractors for towing guns.

Lt.Col. J. Rikama
Became at first 11.RPr. and later RTR 3
together with elements from Lin.Psto 1 and 3.

Maj. A. Korvenheimo,
Capt. Autio
Initially subordinated to Kar.A. as
Detachment Korvenheimo. Later in 1941
major part of it was attached to 12.RPr.

Maj. T. Mäkeläinen
Subordinated to III AK. Suspended on
5.1.1944 -> became new Kev.Psto 17.



Former 4.Ptri.

Formed on 31.8.1941.
On 27.9.1941 re-named as 3.Ptri.

Capt. L. Laurila
In autumn 1941 batteries acted separately
and became later field batteries of Coastal
. Battalion was suspended on ?.

Capt. J. Niemi
Attached to Lin.Psto 6 on 6.7.1942.

31.8.1941, ?.1942.


Formed on 16.8.1941.


Capt. V. Myntti
In January 1942 was moved away and
attached to Maa.Lin.Psto 1 and 2.



Capt./Maj.(28.1.43) V. Myntti,
Capt. M. Koponen

Formed on 25.2.1942 from Lin.Psto Myntti.


Capt. E. Sävy, Maj. P. Suominen
Formed on 25.2.1942 from Lin.Psto Myntti.


Capt. O. Lagerros, Maj. U. Lepikkö,
Capt. C.-O. Spåre

Formed on 3.10.1941.

Capt. P. Suominen, Capt. Å. Winqvist,
Maj. L. Carlsson

Formed on 3.10.1941.

Capt. A. Elomaa, Capt. T. Ollila,
Maj. H. Nyman, Maj. V. Ruuskanen,
Maj. H. Heinänen

Formed on 3.10.1941 from Lin.Psto 2.
Acted on front with direct-fire guns.

Maj./Lt.Col.(13.4.43) T. Haaranen
Former Lin.Psto 2 re-named in spring 1943.
Acted on front with direct-fire guns.


Fortress Artillery Batteries

Fortress Artillery Battery
Gun Models Used
pcs - gun model
Chief [rank and name]
11. Linnoituspatteri

Erillinen linnoituspatteri / Maa.R

4 - ?

4 - 76 K/02
Temporarily also 90 K/77, 76 K/00, 120 H/13


Lt. K. Mustonen



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