Late Woodland: 1.500 to 350 BP

DESCRIPTION: Glen Meyer Tang Triangular points range in size from 30 to 59 mm in length, 16 to 27 mm in width, and 4 to 6 mm in thickness. The lateral edges on these triangular points can vary from concave to convex, but the most common edge configuration is convex. The basl edges are always concave and oblique to the long axis. In some cases, this obliqueness is exaggerated to the point where it forms a pronounced single barb. Bifacial retouch is irregular and may cover both faces, but then some specimens were simply retouched on the second face.

DISTRIBUTION: These points are found scattered across southwestern Ontario from the Niagara escarpment and peninsula in the east, to Lambton County in the west, and primarily within the Carolinian biotic regions.

RAW MATERIAL: Most Glen Meyer Tang Triangular points were made from Onondaga chert, but the more westerly groups tended to use Kettle Point chert. These points are produced on flake blanks and vary from roughly equilateral to lenticular isoceles in shape. This latter shape is quite distinctive with the barbed lateral margin often being concave.

AGE AND CULTURE: These points are characteristic of the western Early Ontario Iroquois, and seem to occur in use on sites as early as 700 A.D. and continue in use until about 1,300 A.D.

REFERENCES: London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society. B. Deller and C. Ellis, 1984 Barnes Fluted Points. KEWA 84-6.